How to Submit Special Education Data to CALPADS: Step-by-Step¶
The following sections provide step-by-step instructions for how to report the following events to CALPADS:
Parental Consent, Initial Evaluation Events¶
- When an LEA receives a referral
- When parental consent is received for an initial evaluation
- When a parent revokes consent for an initial evaluation
- When the initial evaluation is delayed
- When the initial evaluation is delayed for students transferring to an LEA
- When an initial evaluation meeting is conducted
- When a child transitions out of the Part C Program and is initially evaluated for the Part B Program
- When a student requires an initial evaluation after previously exiting the special education program
Annual Plan Reviews, Eligibility Reevaluation Events¶
- When an annual plan review is conducted
- When an eligibility reevaluation (triennial) is conducted
- When changes are made to a special education plan during an eligibility reevaluation
- When an annual plan review or eligibility reevaluation is delayed
a. When an annual review or eligibility reevaluation is late for students transferring to an LEA - When an amendment to a special education plan is made
- When an LEA reports meetings for plans and services that will begin the next school year by postponing submission until after close of EOY
- When an LEA reports meetings for plans and services that will begin the next school year by submitting records in the current year
When a student exits the special education program (determined to be no longer eligible for services)Transfer Events
- When a SWD transfers between public schools within a district (intra-district transfer)
- When a SWD transfers between public schools in different districts (inter-district transfer)
- When a SWD transfers from private school to a public school
a. When the transfer does not overlap Census Day or EOY Certification Day
b. When the transfer overlaps Census Day or EOY Certification Day - When a student transfers from a public school to a private school
a. when the transfer does not overlap Census Day or EOY Certification Day
b. When the transfer overlaps Census Day or EOY Certification Day
Adult-Age SWD Transition Events¶
- When adult-age SWD, who complete their 12th year of secondary education, re-enroll to receive transition services
- When adult-age SWD, who complete their 12th year of secondary education, re-enroll to continue coursework leading to a high school diploma
Parental Consent, Initial Evaluation Events¶
1. How to Report a Referral¶
When an LEA receives a referral, they are not required to report that referral to CALPADS until the LEA receives parental consent for an Initial Evaluation.
2. How to Report Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation¶
Once a student is referred for an initial evaluation for special education, the LEA must obtain parental consent for that initial evaluation. If the LEA is unable to obtain parental consent for the initial evaluation, the LEA is not required to report any special education data to CALPADS. Once the LEA receives parental consent for initial evaluation, the LEA is required to submit a Special Education record to CALPADS, by taking the following steps:
- Obtain Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) and create an enrollment in CALPADS for the student: If the student does not already have an SSID, then the LEA must first obtain an SSID. See section on “Obtaining a SSID for SWD”. At the same time the SSID is requested, the LEA must enroll the student[AM4] in CALPADS by submitting a Student Enrollment (SENR) record as follows:
If the student will be enrolled in a school in the LEA:
§ School of Attendance = 7-digit school code of the school that the student will be attending
§ Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary
If the student will be enrolled at the district-level:
§ School of Attendance = 7-digit county-district code
§ Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary
If the student will be enrolled at a Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified School (NPS):
§ School of Attendance = 0000001
§ NPS School of Attendance = 7-digit school code assigned to the NPS school that the student will be attending
§ Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary
If the student will be enrolled in a private school:
§ School of Attendance = 0000002
§ Enrollment Status Code = 50 – Non-ADA
- Submit a Special Education Meeting (MEET) record from the SEDS: After the student is enrolled in CALPADS, the LEA will be able to submit a SPED record. The initial record sent to CALPADS should include the following:
Reporting SELPA
Special Education Referral Date = Date student was referred
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date the parent consented to an initial evaluation
Pending As Of Date
Meeting Activity Evaluation Type = 10 or 15 –Initial Evaluation
3. How to Report When a Parent Revokes Consent¶
If the parent or guardian gives consent for initial evaluation and then prior to the initial evaluation revokes their consent for an evaluation, the LEA is no longer responsible for evaluating the student and any MEET records reflecting a parental consent date should be deleted in CALPADS.
4. How to Report a Late Initial Evaluation¶
As described in “2. How to Report Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation”, after a student has been referred for an initial special education evaluation and the LEA has received parental consent for that evaluation, the LEA should send up a MEET record with a Pending As Of Date and Meeting Activity Evaluation Type of 10 or 15 –Initial Evaluation. This record indicates that the student is pending an initial evaluation.
LEAs have 45 days from the date of parental consent to hold an initial evaluation for Part C, and 60 days from the date of parental consent to hold an initial evaluation for Part B. (LEAs generally receive parental consent to hold initial evaluations for Part B.) If the initial evaluation for Part B is delayed for any reason past the 60 days, the LEA must populate the Meeting Delay Code field with the appropriate Meeting Delay Reason Code. This is reported by:
- Populating the Meeting Delay Code field in the record that reports that the Initial Evaluation meeting was held (Refer to “How to Report Initial Evaluation Meeting (Part C or Part B)).
Note: the LEA may resend the SPED record with the Special Education Meeting Type of 30 – Pending Initial Evaluation, with the Meeting Delay Code field populated, to proactively let the CDE know why the child or student has yet to be evaluated; however, the LEA still must send a record that populates the Meet Delay Code field in the record that reports that the Initial Evaluation meeting was held. or
5. How to Report a Late Initial Evaluation for Students Transferring to an LEA¶
If a student transfers into a district and parent consent is received, or if the pending initial evaluation and pending record has already been submitted CALPADS by the prior LEA, the new LEA must first “adopt” the Pending Initial Evaluation record from the prior district by submitting a SPED record with the following:
- Reporting LEA = New LEA
- Reporting SELPA = Same or New SELPA
- Special Education Meeting Type = 30 – Pending Initial Evaluation
- Meeting Delay Code = Appropriate code
- Education Plan Type = 300 - Pending
6. How to Report an Initial Evaluation Meeting (Part C or Part B)¶
During the initial evaluation meeting (for either Part C or Part B), the parent, teachers, and special education case managers meet to conduct the evaluation for special education eligibility. If the student is determined to be eligible, the team develops a special education plan (IFSP, IEP, or ISP) for the student. The parent or guardian then has the option to either accept or decline the offer of FAPE. The meeting outcome is then “affirmed” in the SEDS. This affirmation generates a reportable transaction in the SEDS that can be sent to CALPADS that includes the date the meeting was held, the type of meeting that was held, and the outcome of the meeting. Specifically, LEAs submit a MEET record that includes the following:
Part C Evaluations
Special Education Referral Date = Date of referral
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Meeting Activity Evaluation Type = 15 – Part C Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting was held if multiple continuation meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
Evaluation Outcome Code: -
Part B Evaluations
Special Education Referral Date = Date of referral
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Meeting Activity Evaluation Type = 10 – Part B Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple continuation meetings are held prior to finalize the special education plan
Evaluation Outcome Code: -
The following should be noted in submitting these records:
If more than one meeting is held prior to an agreement on the student’s special education plan, the Special Education Meeting Date should reflect the very first date the team met to conduct the initial evaluation.
These records should be submitted after the final outcome of the meeting has been determined.
7. How to Report Children Transitioning from the Part C Program¶
Children who are receiving services through the IDEA Part C Program must be evaluated for eligibility for the IDEA Part B Program between the ages of two years and nine months and before their third birthday. To report children who have been initially evaluated for the Part B program, LEAs should submit Special Education records as follows:
- Child Determined to be Eligible for Part B: To report a toddler in the Part C Program on an IFSP, who has not yet turned three, and who has been evaluated and determined to be to eligible for the Part B Program, the COE should:
Submit MEET record with the following:
Special Education Referral Date = Date of referral
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent for Part C initial evaluation
Evaluation Meeting Type = 10 – Part B Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple continuation meetings are held prior to finalize the special education plan
Submit PLAN record with the following:
Education Plan Type Code = 100
Reason for Plan Record Code = 1-Meeting Outcome
Plan Effective Start Date = First day of enrollment in Kindergarten
8. How to Report an Eligibility Reevaluation (Triennial)¶
Federal regulations (34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 300.303) require LEAs to reevaluate students with disabilities a minimum of every three years to determine if they continue to be eligible for special education services. To report this event, the LEA should submit a SPED record to CALPADS with the following:
If the student continues to be eligible, submit a MEET record with the following:
Meeting Activity Evaluation Type = 40 – Reevaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date meeting was held
Evaluation Outcome Code = 50 – Continued Eligibility -
If the student is no longer eligible, submit a MEET record with the following:
Meeting Activity Evaluation Type Code = 40 –Reevaluation Meeting
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held
Evaluation Outcome Code = 21 – Not Eligible
Submit SWDS record with the following:
Status = 4-Not Eligible
Non-Participation Reason = 21-Not Eligible
Status Start Date = date parent agreed to change in placement
9. How to Report Changes to an Education Plan when Changes Are Made During an Eligibility Reevaluation Meeting¶
The primary purpose of the required eligibility reevaluation meeting that occurs every three years, is to determine whether the student continues to be eligible for services, and it is not to make changes to the student’s special education plan. However, for students who continue to be eligible, the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team may discuss and agree on changes that need to be made to the plan during this meeting. In order to accurately report these changes in CALPADS, any plan changes that are made during reevaluation meetings, MUST be submitted by the LEA in one of the following ways:
If a full plan review (annual) was conducted on the same date as the reevaluation meeting, in addition to a record that reflects the reevaluation meeting, submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Reviewo
Special Education Meeting Date = Date of the reevaluation meeting and full plan review
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP, 150 – IFSP, or 200 – ISP
Any reportable changes to the plan -
If a full plan review (annual IEP) was not conducted but changes were made to the student’s plan, in addition to a record that reflects the reevaluation meeting, submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review
Special Education Meeting Date = Date of last plan review (annual) meeting
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP, 150 – IFSP, or 200 – ISP
Education Plan Amendment Date = Date of the reevaluation meeting
10. How to Report Late Annual or Eligibility Reevaluation Meetings¶
An annual plan review is considered late if there is no record in CALPADS with a meeting date that is less than or equal to 365 days from the Meeting Date on the most recent transaction with a Meeting Activity-Plan Review Indicator = Y.
An eligibility reevaluation (triennial) is considered late if there is no record in CALPADS with a meeting date that is less than or equal to three years from the Meeting Date on the most recent transaction with a Meeting Activity-EvaluationType Code of 40 – Reevaluation.
11. How to Report Late Meetings for Students Transferring to an LEA¶
If a student transfers into a district and the student’s annual plan review or eligibility reevaluation (triennial) is overdue when they enter the LEA, the new LEA must first “adopt” the most recent PLAN record from the prior district by submitting up a copy of that transaction with the new Reporting LEA. Once the meeting is held, the Meeting Delay Code should be populated on the transaction that reports the annual eligibility reevaluation meeting that was delayed.
12. How to Report an Amendment to an Education Plan¶
When changes are made to a student’s special education plan that do not require a full plan review (annual) meeting, an amendment to the plan should be reported if: 1) if there are any changes to the student’s special education-related services in the Student Services (SSRV) File or 2) it is a change to one of the plan components listed below. Any change to a student’s special education plan requires parental approval.
- Primary Residence Code
- Special Education Program Setting Code
- Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code
- Preschool Program Ten Weekly Hours or Greater Indicator
- General Education Participation Percentage Range Code
- IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator
- Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator
- Postsecondary Goals Age
- Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator
- Transition Services in IEP Indicator
- Supportive Services Indicator
- Transition Services Goals in IEP Indicator
- Student IEP Participation Indicator
- Agency Representative IEP Participation Code
- Special Transportation Indicator
To report an amendment, the LEA must submit to CALPADS the following:
A SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review or 40 – Eligibility Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date of the last full plan review
Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP, 150 – IFSP, or 200 – ISP
Education Plan Amendment Date = Date the changes are being made to the student’s plan
The plan components that changed -
If the student’s services have changed, a SSRV record to CALPADS with the following:
Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier = Identifier associated with the amended SPED record
New Special Education Service Code
13.How to Report Meetings for Plans and Services that Will Begin the Next School Year by Postponing Submission until After Close of EOY¶
Data certified in the following reports during the EOY 4 submission:
- 16.1 – Students with Disabilities Count by Primary Disability,
- 16.2 – Students with Disabilities Count by Federal Setting, and
- 16.5 – Students with Disabilities Services
should reflect the student’s special education plan and services that were in effect through June 30th. When LEAs are holding meetings at the end of the current academic year for plans and services that will not take effect until the beginning of the next academic year it is preferred, but not required, that the LEA postpone sending the meeting transaction to CALPADS until after EOY closes (that is, after the final certification date, also referred to as the close of the EOY Amendment Window).
For LEAs electing to postpone the submission of these transactions until after EOY closes, the type of transaction that is submitted to CALPADS depends on the type of plan change that occurred during the meeting:
- Change in Education Plan Type: Any transactions that reflect any of the following changes to the Education Plan Type should be sent up after EOY closes with the Special Education Meeting Date from the prior academic year:
Pending initial evaluation to IFSP, IEP, or ISP
- Change in Setting or Services: Any transactions where the Special Education Plan Type is not changing, however, the setting or services will be changing at the start of the new academic year, should be sent up after EOY closes as an amendment transaction with the amendment date from the prior academic year.
14. How to Report Meetings for Plans and Services that Will Begin the Next School Year by Submitting Records in the Current Year¶
Data certified in the following reports during the EOY 4 submission:
- 16.1 – Students with Disabilities Count by Primary Disability,
- 16.2 – Students with Disabilities Count by Federal Setting, and
- 16.5 – Students with Disabilities Services
should reflect the student’s special education plan and services that were in effect through June 30th. When LEAs are holding meetings at the end of the current academic year for plans and services that will not take effect until the beginning of the next academic year it is preferred, but not required, that the LEA postpone sending the meeting record to CALPADS until after EOY closes (that is, after the final certification date, also referred to as the close of the EOY Amendment Window).
LEAs electing to submit meeting records, before EOY closes, where the resulting plans and/or services will not take effect until the next school year, the LEA will have to take additional steps to ensure data are reflected in the appropriate year.
Submitting Data for Students Not Enrolled in the Reporting Year
To submit data for students who were not enrolled in the reporting year, but who will be enrolled in the following academic year:
- LEAs must first submit enrollment records before they are able to submit SPED or SSRV records.
Since creating enrollments within the EOY reporting window (July 1 – June 30) often requires the submission of other data required for the EOY submissions, such as the Student Absence Summary File (STAS), Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) file, and Student Program (SPRG) file, these enrollments will result in certification validation errors.
In order to address certification validation errors, these enrollments must be exited within the reporting year with an Exit Reason Code of N470 – NoShow. It is necessary to “nullify” these enrollments to avoid triggering fatal errors for the EOY submissions.
- LEAs must re-enroll these students in the next academic year if the student is returning to the district. Since LEAs exited these students using N470 when the meeting was held in the prior academic year, LEAs will need to re-enroll these students in the new academic year since these initial evaluations, plans, and services will take place or begin in the next academic year.
Note: All students with pending initial evaluations that the LEA exited with an N470 - NoShow exit code MUST be reported in CALPADS in the new academic year after the close of EOY, and the LEA must complete the required evaluation. The use of the N470 - NoShow exits as described above does not alleviate the legal responsibility of the LEA to attempt to hold the initial evaluation. In cases where the parent has revoked consent for evaluation, the “Pending” record must be removed from CALPADS.
Submitting Data for Students with Pending Initial Evaluation Record and Student Has an Existing Enrollment
Submitting data for students with a pending initial evaluation record depends on the outcome of the evaluation.
A. Pending Initial Evaluation to Eligible but Not Receiving Services (Education Plan Types 700 or 800) or Ineligible (Plan Type 900)
- Make sure there is an existing enrollment record for the student.
Submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = Part C Initial Evaluation or Part B Initial Evaluation for Part B
Education Plan Type Code = 700, 800, or 900. -
Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
B. Pending Initial Evaluation to IFSP
- Make sure there is an existing enrollment record for the student
Submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = Part C Initial Evaluation
Education Plan Type Code = 150 – IFSP. -
Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
C. Pending Initial Evaluation to IEP
- Make sure there is an existing enrollment record for the student
- Submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = Part B Initial Evaluation
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – Individualized Education Program (IEP). - Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
D. Pending Initial Evaluation to ISP
- Make sure there is an existing enrollment record for the student
Submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = Part B Initial Evaluation
Education Plan Type Code = 200 – Individual Service Plan (ISP). -
Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
Submitting Data for Students with No Prior Pending Initial Evaluation Record
For students with no prior pending initial evaluation record, an enrollment record may first need to be submitted in order to submit the special education meeting transaction. These enrollments must then be deleted.
A. Initial Evaluation for Part C (no prior pending record)
If the student has a current enrollment at the same LEA:
Submit a SPED record with the following:
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Special Education Meeting Type = Part C Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting was held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 150 – IFSP -
Submit an SENR record with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
If the student has no current enrollment with the LEA:
Submit an SENR record with the following:
Enrollment Status Code = 50 – Non-ADA Enrollment
Grade level Code = IN – Infant
Enrollment Start Date = Date of parental consent or the meeting date -
Submit a SPED record with the following:
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Special Education Meeting Type = Part C Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting was held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 150 – IFSP -
Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow
B. Initial Evaluation for Part B (no prior Pending record)
If the student has a current enrollment at the same LEA:
- Submit a SPED record with the following:
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Special Education Meeting Type = Part B Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP, or 200 – ISP - Submit an SENR record with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – *NoShow.
If the student has no current enrollment with the LEA:
- Submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Start Date = Date of parental consent or the meeting date.
Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary, or 50 – Non-ADA (for students who will be attending private schools)
Grade Level Code = Prekindergarten – Grade 12 - Submit a SPED record with the following:
Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date = Date of parental consent
Special Education Meeting Type = Part B Initial Evaluation
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP, or 200 – ISP - Submit an SENR record with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = One day PRIOR to the Enrollment Start Date
Student Exit Reason Code = N470 – NoShow.
15. How to Exit a SWD from the Special Education Program¶
LEAs report SWD exits from the Special Education Program, from the SEDS on the SPED record, through these two fields:
- Special Education Program Exit Date
- Special Education Program Exit Reason Code
LEAs report SWD exits from a school, from the SIS on the SENR record, through these two fields:
- Enrollment Exit Date
- Student Exit Reason Code
Although LEAs track both special education program exits and school exits in the local SEDS, LEAs can only report eligibility-related special education program exit reasons from the SEDS on the SPED record, and school exits from the SIS on the SENR. To enforce this, CALPADS only allows the following Special Education Program Exit Reason Codes to be submitted on the SPED:
- 70 – NoLongerElig (No Longer Eligible)
- 73 – MaxAge (Maximum Age)
- 78 – Withdrawal (Parent withdrawal, or self-withdrawal if student is over 18)
- 83 – Waiver (Graduated from high school with a diploma using a waiver authorized by Education Code 60851©
- 84 – No Parental Consent Received – Part C to B
The Special Education Program Exit Reason Codes existing in the SEDS that cannot be submitted on the SPED are listed in the table below, along with the corresponding school exit reasons that may be submitted on the SENR:
SEDS Special Education Exit Reason Code… | Maps to the following Student Exit Reason Codes that are reported on the SENR |
71 HS Completer | · 100 – Graduated, Standard HS diploma · 120 – Student with Disabilities Certification of Completion* · 250 – Adult Ed High School Diploma* · 320 – Received a High School Certificate (and no HS diploma)* · 330 – Passed CHSPE (and no standard HS diploma* · E125 – Prior Special Education Completer |
74 Dropout | · 360 – Completed grade 12 without completing graduation requirements, not grad* · E140 – No Known Enrollment – Truant* · E300 – Expelled, No Known Enrollment* · E400 – No Known Enrollment* · N470 – No Show* |
76 Transferred | · T160 – Transfer to another CA Public School · T165 – TransSpecDiscRsnsOrJudg · T167 – TransAltSchlPrgm · T168 - AltIndStdySclDischarge · T180 – TransPrivate · T200 – TransUS · T240 – TransOutUS · T260 – TransInAdult · T280 – TransCollege · T370 – TransInstHSDipl · T380 – TransInstNoHSDip · 480 – Promoted (matriculated to CAPubSchls) |
77 Died | · E130 – Died |
*SWD exiting without earning a standard high school diploma may return to secondary education and are still eligible for special education until they age out or earn a standard high school diploma.
When exiting a SWD, the Special Education Program Exit Date and Special Education Program Exit Reason Code should be populated on the most recent SPED record based on the Special Education Meeting Date and Amendment Date fields, whichever date is greater, and a Special Education Meeting Type of:
10 – Part B Initial Evaluation
15 – Part C Initial Evaluation, or
20 – Plan Review (annual)
Special Education Program exit dates and reasons cannot be populated on transactions with Special Education Meeting Type Code of 40 – Eligibility Evaluation (triennial), even if the decision to exit the student is made during the eligibility reevaluation (triennial) meeting.
Refer to “Adult-Age Transition Events” for specific steps for exiting adult-age SWD from the special education program and school.
Transfer Events¶
16. How to Report Intra-District Transfers between Public Schools within a District¶
SPED and SSRV records are submitted from the SEDS to CALPADS at the district level. Therefore, if a SWD on an active special education plan transfers to a new public or NPS school in the same district, the LEA does not have to submit new SPED and SSRV records since these records have already been submitted. The LEA, however, must submit from their SIS, an SENR record that exits the student from one school and enrolls them in the other school.
17. How to Report Inter-district Transfers between Public Schools in Different Districts¶
If a SWD on an active special education plan transfers to a public or NPS school in another district, following submission of an SENR record by the LEA to which the student is transferring, the new LEA must additionally submit new SPED and SSRV records to CALPADS on or shortly after the student enrolls that represent the student’s special education plan that is in “stay put” until the new LEA either holds a full plan review meeting or makes an amendment to the plan. By submitting these records, the LEA is acknowledging that it is aware that the student is on an active plan. This is often referred to as “adopting” the prior special education plan. To ensure that LEAs are made aware that an incoming student is a SWD, LEAs are encouraged to utilize the SSID Extract, which provides a field that indicates whether or not an incoming student is a SWD. Information on utilizing the SSID Extract can be found in the “XXXXX” section. The steps to adopt a prior education plan depends on the SEDS used by the sending and receiving LEAs:
- LEAs Using the Same SEDS: When the student’s prior special education plan is maintained in a SEDS that is the same SEDS used in the new LEA, the “adoption” of the plan in “stay put” is relatively straightforward. The new LEA should be able to generate a record from the SEDS with the following components already populated:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Annual Meeting
Special Education Meeting Date = Date of last “annual” review”
Education Plan Type Code: 100 – IEP, 150 – IFSP, or 200 – ISP
The new LEA would need to reflect the their LEA and their SELPA (if the SELPA is different):
Reporting LEA = LEA where the student transferred
Reporting SELPA = SELPA of the LEA where the student transferred
- LEAs Using Different SEDS: If the prior plan is maintained in a SEDS that is different than the SEDS of the new LEA, to populate the SPED record, the new LEA must either:
Use the most current SPED record from the prior LEA in CALPADS to generate a transaction, or
Contact the prior LEA and obtain a copy of the student’s most recent meeting and plan information and create a record with that information.
Once the “stay put” records have been submitted, the new LEA should then either 1) agree to keep the existing plan; 2) hold a full plan review (annual) , or 3) amend the “stay put” plan. If the LEA holds a full plan review (annual) or makes an amendment to the plan in “stay put”, the LEA should submit a record to CALPADS with the following key components:
Reporting LEA = LEA where the student transferred
Reporting SELPA = SELPA of the LEA where the student transferred
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review (annual) Meeting
Special Education Meeting Date = Date of the Plan Review (annual) meeting that was just held, or date of previous plan review if submitting an amendment
Education Plan Amendment Date: Date changes were made to the student’s plan (Only if submitting an amendment. Should be blank if holding a full plan review)
Education Plan Type Code: 100 – IEP, 150 – IFSP, or 200 – ISP
Any reportable plan changes
18. How to Report Transfers from Private School to Public School When the Transfer Does Not Overlap Census Day or the EOY Certification Date¶
When a SWD who is enrolled in a private school on an active ISP, accepts the offer of Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and transfers to a public school within the LEA’s boundaries, and the transfer does not overlap Census Day or the EOY Certification Date, the LEA should:
- Exit the student by submitting an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = Date the student exited the private school
Student Exit Reason Code = E170 – NonPrimaryEnrlExit, or 50 – Non-ADA Enrollment - Enroll the student at the school in the LEA to which the student is transferring by submitting an SENR with the following:
School of Attendance = School code of the school that the student will be attending- Preschool students that will not be attending a specific school can be enrolled at the district level (7-digit County-District code)
- Enrollment Start Date = Date the student is first enrolled
- Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary (for preschool through 12th grade).
Grade Level Code = Kindergarten – Grade 12
After the student is enrolled, submit a SPED record with the following:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan review (Annual)
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date the meeting was held if subsequent continuation meetings were held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP -
Do NOT submit a Special Education Program Exit Date or Special Education Program Exit Reason on the SPED record because the student has not exited the special education program, rather the student has changed education plan types from an ISP to an IEP.
19. How to Report Transfers from Private School to Public School When the Transfer Overlaps Census Day or the EOY Certification Date¶
When a SWD who is enrolled in a private school on an active ISP, accepts the offer of Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and transfers to a public school within the LEA’s boundaries
Exit the student by submitting an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = Date the student exited the private school
Student Exit Reason Code = E170 – NonPrimaryEnrlExit, (the student should have been enrolled with an Enrollment Status of code of 20 – Secondary Enrollment, or 50 – Non-ADA Enrollment) -
If the student will not begin enrollment at the school they will be attending until after Census Day or the EOY Certification Date, first enroll the student by submitting an SENR with the following:
- School of Attendance = District level (7-digit county-district code)
- Preschool students that will not be attending a specific school can remain enrolled at the district level
Enrollment Start Date = Date on or before Census Day
After Census Day, exit the student and enroll the student at the school to which they are transferring by submitting an SENR with the following:
- Enrollment Exit Date = Date after Census Day that is a day before the Enrollment Start Date at the new school
- Student Exit Reason Code = T160 – TransCASchlRegular
- School of Attendance = School code of the school that the student will be attending
- Enrollment Start Date = Date the student is first enrolled
Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary (preschool through 12th grade)
After the student is enrolled at the LEA, if an IEP meeting has not yet been held, submit a SPED record with the following:
- Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review (Annual)
- Special Education Meeting Date = Date of the last IEP meeting
Education Plan Type Code = 200 – ISP
Once an IEP meeting at the new school has been held, submit a SPED record with:
Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review (Annual)
Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date the meeting was held if multiple meetings were held prior to parental approval of the plan
Education Plan Type Code = 100 – IEP -
Do NOT submit a SPED record with a Special Education Program Exit Date or Special Education Program Exit Reason Code because the student has not exited the special education program, rather the student has just changed education plan types from an ISP to an IEP.
1. How to Report Students Transferring from Public School to Private School When the Transfer Does Not Overlap Census Day or the EOY Certification Date
When a SWD who is enrolled in a California public school on an active IEP voluntarily transfers to a private school, and the transfer does not overlap Census Day or the EOY Certification Date , the LEA should:
- Submit an SENR that exits the student’s primary enrollment record:
Enrollment Exit Date = Date student exited the public school
Student Exit Reason Code = T180 – Transfer to a Private School
· Submit appropriate SPED records reflecting the outcome of the IEP team meeting regarding whether the student will be served on an Individual Service Plan (ISP) at the private school:
If the student’s parent declines services at the private school submit a SPED record with the following components:
§ Special Education Program Exit Date = Date student exited the school
§ Special Education Program Exit Reason Code = 78 – Withdrawal
NOTE: if the student is still eligible, the LEA should continue to track the student locally to report Proportionate share of Private Schools and to fulfill child find responsibilities regarding “parentally placed private school students” who are eligible but do not receive services. These students are categorically the same as the students with Education Plan Type Code 700 – Eligible – No Education Plan (Parent Declined FAPE – Private Placement).
If the student’s parent elects to receive services for the student under an ISP, submit SENR and SPED records as follows:
§ Submit an SENR record to create a new enrollment in CALPADS at the private school by including the following:
- School of Attendance with 0000002 – Private School Group
- Enrollment Start Date = Date student first enrolled at the private school
· Enrollment Status Code = 50 – Non-ADA
· Grade Level Code = Kindergarten – Grade 12
§ After submitting the SENR record, submit a SPED record with:
- Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Plan Review (annual)
· Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
· Education Plan Type Code = 200 – ISP
§ Do NOT submit a Special Education Program Exit Date or Special Education Program Exit Reason Code on the previous IEP record because the student did not exit the special education program, but only changed education plan type.
2. How to Report Students Transferring from Public School to Private School When the Transfer Overlaps Census Day or the EOY Certification Date
When a SWD who is enrolled in a California public school on an active IEP voluntarily transfers to a private school, and this transfer overlaps Census Day or the EOY Certification Date that causes a “gap” between when the student exits the public school and enrolls in the private school, the LEA must submit an extra enrollment record that covers this gap, in order for the student to be included in Census Day or EOY Certification Day counts. Specifically, the LEA must:
Submit an SENR that exits the student from the school and enrolls them at the district level to reflect the “stay put” while the student is transitioning to an ISP. This district enrollment prevents or resolves the certification error CERT145 – SPED record missing for student enrolled in Private School, and provides proper representation for the student as active or enrolled on Census Day or during EOY. Specifically, the LEA should submit an SENR with the following:
Enrollment Exit Date = Date student exited the school
Student Exit Reason Code = T160 – TransCASchlRegular
School of Attendance = 7-digit County-District Code
Enrollment Start Date = Date following the date the student exited the school
Enrollment Status Code = 10 – Primary -
Submit appropriate SPED records reflecting the outcome of the IEP team meeting regarding whether the student will be served on an Individual Service Plan (ISP) at the private school:
If the student’s parent declines services at the private school:
§ Submit an SENR record with the following:
- Enrollment Exit Date = Date following Census Day or the EOY Certification Date
- Student Exit Reason Code = T180 – TransPrivate
§ Submit a SPED record with the following:
· Special Education Program Exit Date = Date following Census Day or the EOY Certification Date
· Special Education Program Exit Reason Code = 78 – Withdrawal
· Note, if the student is still eligible, the LEA should continue to track the student locally to report Proportionate share of Private Schools and to fulfill child find responsibilities regarding “parentally placed private school students” who are eligible but do not receive services. These students are categorically the same as the students with Education Plan Type Code 700 – Eligible – No Education Plan (Parent Declined FAPE – Private Placement).
If the student’s parent elects to receive services for the student under an ISP:
§ Submit an SENR record to exit the student from the public school and enroll the student at the private school, as follows:
· Enrollment Exit Date = Date following Census Day or the EOY Certification Date
- Student Exit Reason Code = T180 - TransPrivate
· School of Attendance = 0000002 – Private School Group
· Enrollment Start Date = Date student enrolled in private school
· Enrollment Status Code = 50 – Non-ADA
§ Submit a SPED record with:
- Special Education Meeting Type = 20 – Annual
- Special Education Meeting Date = Date the meeting was held, or the first date a meeting held if multiple meetings are held prior to parental approval of the plan
· Education Plan Type Code = 200 – ISP
§ Do NOT submit a Special Education Program Exit Date and Special Education Program Exit Reason Code on the previous IEP record because the student did not exit the special education program, but only changed education plan type.
Adult-Age SWD Transition Events¶
3. How to Exit and Re-enroll Adult-Age Students with Disabilities Receiving Transition Services
An adult-age student with disabilities in transition is a student who:
Is between the ages of 18 and 21 (inclusive);
On an active IEP
Is enrolled as a 12th grader after their initial cohort graduation year;
Is not taking any coursework leading to a high school diploma;
Is enrolled solely for the purpose of receiving transition services (transition services include academic preparation, community experience, and development of vocational and independent living objectives).
When exiting adult-age students with disabilities, at the end of their initial cohort graduation year, LEAs should submit an SENR to exit the student with a Student Exit Reason Code and/or Student Completion Status Code of one of the following as appropriate:
- E230 – Completer Exit /Student School Completion Status Code = 120 – Special Education Certificate of Completion, OR
Student Exit Reason Code = E156 – GD12ContinuingEd
NOTE: While LEAs may use 120 – Special Education Certification of Completion, this is not the preferred method of exiting students in their initial cohort year for state and federal reporting purposes. LEAs may issue a Certificate of Completion for SWD in their initial cohort year to allow them to participate in commencement ceremonies with their peers, however, ideally the Certificate of Completion would not be reported until they age out of the program.
LEAs should then submit an SENR to re-enroll the student as follows:
School of Attendance = School code or district level (7-digit county-district code)
Enrollment Status = 10 – Primary
Grade Level Code = 12
Adult-age Student with Disabilities in Transition Indicator = Y (populate only if it is the year after the initial cohort graduation year, or their “second year” of 12th grade)
When the student finally ages out of the special education program, LEAs should submit an SENR with Student Exit Reason of E230 – Completer Exit, and one of the appropriate Student School Completion Status Code:
Student School Completion Status Code = 125 – Prior special education completer; or
Student School Completion Status Code = 120 – Special Education Certificate of Completion (if the student has not already been exited with a 120 in the initial cohort year)
The LEA must continue to submit relevant SPED and SSRV records for adult-age SWD while they are enrolled. Once the student ages out of the special education program, withdraws from the program, or otherwise becomes ineligible, the LEA must submit a SPED record that exits the student from the special education program. Although LEAs track all special education program exits in the local SEDS, LEAs can only report eligibility-related special education program exit reasons from the SEDS on the SPED record, and they report school exit reasons from the SIS on the SENR (CALPADS only allows certain special education program exit reasons to be submitted on the SPED). Therefore, to exit a student from the special education program, LEAs should submit a SPED record as follows:
Special Education Program Date = Date student exited the school
Special Education Program Exit Reason Code =
73 – MaxAge, (if the student remained until they aged out)
70 – NoLongerElig
78 – Withdrawal
4. How to Exit and Re-enroll Adult-Age Students with Disabilities Continuing to Take Coursework Leading to a High School Diploma
If a SWD is between the ages of 18 and 21 (inclusive), after completing their12th year of secondary education, re-enrolls to take coursework leading to a high school diploma, LEAs should submit an SENR to exit the student as follows:
Student Exit Reason Code = E230 – Completer Exit, and Student School Completion Status Code = 360 – Completed grade 12 without completing graduation requirements, not grad, OR
Exit the student with an E156 – GD12ContinuingEd
LEAs should then submit an SENR to re-enroll the student as follows:
School of Attendance = School code or district level (7-digit county-district code)
Enrollment Status = 10 – Primary
Grade Level Code = 12
Adult-age Student with Disabilities in Transition Indicator = N
When the student finally ages out of the special education program, LEAs should submit an SENR with Student Exit Reason of E230 – Completer Exit, and the appropriate Student School Completion Status Codes.
The LEA must continue to submit relevant SPED and SSRV records for adult-age SWD while they are enrolled. If the student is exited as a completer in the SENR, it is not necessary to submit a special education program exit date and reason in the SPED record.