CALPADS Flash Updates¶
The CALPADS Update FLASHES list below include abbreviated descriptions of the contents of each FLASH memo. Listed with the most recent on top
2023--2024 Academic Year¶
CALPADS Update Flash #268 (Dated 15-Mar-2024)
New State Seal of Civic Engagement Data Collection. -
CALPADS Update Flash #267 (Dated 14-Mar-2024)
Reminder to Update Students' English Language Acquisition Status in CALPADS prior to May 31, 2024 for Students Reclassified Based on 2022−23 Scores. -
CALPADS Update Flash #266 (Dated 11-Mar-2024)
Topics include: 2023--24 CALPADS Fall 2 Submission Deadline Moved to March 15, 2024. -
CALPADS Update Flash #265 (Dated 04-Mar-2024)
Topics include: 2023−24 and 2024−25 Work-Based Learning Changes. -
CALPADS Update Flash #264 (Dated 20-Dec-2023)
Topics include: Special Education Data Submission Updates. -
CALPADS Update Flash #263 (Dated 07-Dec-2023)
Topics include: 2023−24 Fall 2 Update; Fall 2 Submission Window; Changes to Fall 2 Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) and Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs); Fall 2 Training. -
CALPADS Update Flash #262 (Dated 14-Nov-2023)
Topics include: New Data Discrepancy Functionality. -
CALPADS Update Flash #261 (Dated 03-Oct-2023)
Topics include: 2023−24 Fall 1 Submission Opens. -
CALPADS Update Flash #260 (Dated 18-Sep-2023)
Topics include: 2023−24 School Year Rollover. -
CALPADS Update Flash #259 (Dated 07-Sep-2023)
Topics include: 2023−24 Fall 1 and 2 Submission Deadlines; 2023−24 and Future End-of-Year (EOY) Submission Deadlines; Proposed EOY Deadlines. -
CALPADS Update Flash #258 (Dated 26-Jul-2023)
Topics include: End-of-Year Submission Deadline is July 28, 2023; Revision Processing Modification; New Homeless Student Report on DataQuest; Assessing Students for English Language Acquisition Status During the Summer; Reporting Students who Become Reclassified Fluent English Proficient During the Summer. -
CALPADS Update Flash #257 (Dated 24-Jul-2023)
Topics include: Transitional Kindergarten (TK) updates; TK Students In 2023−24. -
CALPADS Update Flash #256 (Dated 14-Jul-2023)
Topics include: Transitioning to new CALPADS Language Code Set.
2022--2023 Academic Year¶
CALPADS Update Flash #255 (Dated 07-Jun-2023)
Topics include: LEA End-of-Year (EOY) rollover activities to conduct prior to June 30, 2023. EOY and ad hoc deadline reminders. -
CALPADS Update Flash #254 (Dated 06-Jun-2023)
Topics include: National School Lunch Program Meal Application and Alternative Income Form Requirements.[\ CALPADS Update Flash #253 (Dated 17-May-2023)
Topics include: Reminder to Update CALPADS for Summer Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program 4.0 by May 22, 2023. -
CALPADS Update Flash #252 (Dated 12-May-2023)
Topics include: Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Opens May 19, 2023. -
CALPADS Update Flash #251 (Dated 05-May-2023)
Topics include: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB) Reporting System Now Open. -
CALPADS Update Flash #250 (Dated 03-May-2023)
Topics include: 2022−23 Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program. -
CALPADS Update Flash #249 (Dated 18-Apr-2023)
Topics include: 2022−23 End-of-Year (EOY) Updates. -
CALPADS Update Flash #248 (Dated 16-Feb-2023)
Topics include: Preschool Student Course enrollment and Staff Assignment NOT Expected (SCSE0128); SCSE0139F2 - Missing Course Section Record. -
CALPADS Update Flash #247 (Dated 10-Feb-2023)
Topics include: Short-Term Solution for Issues with SCSE0139F2 − Missing Course Section Record. -
CALPADS Update Flash #246](
Topics include: Special Education (SPED) Related Certification Validation Rules Returned to Fatal Errors. -
CALPADS Update Flash #245 (Dated 15-Dec-2022)
Topics include: 2021−22 Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Counts. -
CALPADS Update Flash #244 (Dated 30-Nov-2022)
Topics include: Special Education Validations to Become Warnings from November 30 through December 20. -
CALPADS Update Flash #243 (Dated 31-Oct-2022)
Topics include: First Group of Certification Data Discrepancies Enabled Tuesday, November 1. -
CALPADS Update Flash #242 (Dated 26-Oct-2022)
Topics include: Extension of Deadline for Families to Submit National School Lunch Program Applications or Alternative Income Forms for Inclusion in Unduplicated Pupil Count. -
CALPADS Update Flash #241 (Dated 04-Oct-2022)
Topics include: 2022−23 Fall Submissions; Best Practices to Meet Deadlines; Update: Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Matching Tool and Multiple Identifier (MID) Functionalitty. -
CALPADS Update Flash #240 (Dated 03-Oct-2022)
Topics include: 2022−23 Fall 1 and 2 Changes. -
CALPADS Update Flash #239 (Dated 28-Sep-2022)
Topics include: Independent Study Attendance Collection (ISAC) Reporting Reminder and Deadline Extension. -
CALPADS Update Flash #238 (Dated 16-Sep-2022)
Topics include: Submission to the Independent Study Attendance Collection (ISAC) Reporting System. -
CALPADS Update Flash #237 (Dated 13-Sep-2022)
Topics include: End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Reminder. -
CALPADS Update Flash #236 (Dated 06-Sep-2022)
Topics include: End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Extension. -
CALPADS Update Flash #235 (Dated 26-Aug-2022)
Topics include: Data Submission for 2021−22 Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT). -
CALPADS Update Flash #234 (Dated 16-Aug-2022)
Topics include: End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Extension; Status of Remaining Defects. -
CALPADS Update Flash #233 (Dated 10-Aug-2022)
Topics include: Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Matching Tool Now Available. -
CALPADS Update Flash #232 (Dated 02-Aug-2022)
Topics include: Approval Functionality Enabled for End-of-Year Submissions. -
CALPADS Update Flash #231 (Dated 01-Aug-2022)
Topics include: Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Matching Tool; SSID Matching Criteria and Match Scoring. -
CALPADS Update Flash #230 (Dated 25-Jul-2022)
Topics include: Certification Data Discrepancy (CDD) update; CDDs that local educational agencies can work on. -
CALPADS Update Flash #229 (Dated 25-Jul-2022)
Topics include: Work-based learning data; Work-based Learning File (WBLR). -
CALPADS Update Flash #228 (Dated 18-Jul-2022)
Topics include: Transitional Kindergarten (TK); credentialing requirements in TK; 2022−23 TK reporting in CALPADS. -
CALPADS Update Flash #227 (Dated 12-Jul-2022)
Topics include: Certification data discrepancy (CDD) update; strategy for addressing CDDs. -
CALPADS Update Flash #226 (Dated 05-Jul-2022)
Topics include: Certification data discrepancies (CDDs); upcoming training; known issues regarding CDDs that appear to be over-triggering.
2021--2022 Academic Year (209 to 225)¶
CALPADS Update Flash #225 (Dated 29-Jun-2022)
Topics include: Reminder of End-of-Year roll-over activities; preparing for direct certification counts during July and August. -
CALPADS Update Flash #224](
Topics include: Post Process Redevelopment Project; changes to submitting the Student Enrollment (SENR) file. -
CALPADS Update Flash #223](
Topics include: 2021−22 End-of-Year submission; 2022−23 submissions; planned 2023−23 changes moving to 2023−24. -
CALPADS Update Flash #222](
Topics include: 2021−22 End-of-Year submission. -
CALPADS Update Flash #221](
Topics include: Post Process Redevelopment Project; project objectives and required changes; highlighted changes. -
CALPADS Update Flash #220](
Topics include: National School Lunch Program Meal Application and Alternative Income Form Requirements for 2022−23. -
CALPADS Update Flash #219](
Topics include: Reclassifying and reporting Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students; assessing students for English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) during the summer. -
CALPADS Update Flash #218](
Topics include: Updated guidance on the use of the generic Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) of 9999999999. -
CALPADS Update Flash #217](
Topics include: Change to Certification Validation Rule CERT146; reminder that Special Education (SPED) related Certification Validation Rules will return to fatal errors. -
CALPADS Update Flash #216](
Topics include: Special Education (SPED) related certification validation rules will return to fatal errors. -
CALPADS Update Flash #215](
Topics include: All Special Education (SPED) related fatal Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) will temporarily become warnings. -
CALPADS Update Flash #214](
Topics include: Special education guidance. -
CALPADS Update Flash #213](
Topics include: Fall 1 Submission, Roll Over, Codes, and File Specification Changes -
CALPADS Update Flash #212](
Topics include: Fall 1 training now open; announcement of new quarterly regional meetings. -
CALPADS Update Flash #211](
Topics include: Information on Summer Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT). -
CALPADS Update Flash #210](
Topics include: Guidance for Testing Students with the 2020−21 Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in July 2021. -
CALPADS Update Flash #209](
Topics include: Guidance for exiting secondary students per Assembly Bill (AB) AB-104; process to follow to submit data to CALPADS.
2020--21 Academic Year (183 to 208)¶
CALPADS Update Flash #208](
Topics include: Guidance for updating records for students who are Reclassified Fluent English Proficient; retirement of two English Language Acquisition Correction Reason Codes. -
CALPADS Update Flash #207](
Topics include: Guidance for Special Education data submission; use of Infant (IN) and Toddler (TD) grade levels for students with disabilities. -
CALPADS Update Flash #206](
Topics include: Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer Program update. -
CALPADS Update Flash #205](
Topics include: End-of-Year (EOY) reminders; roll-out of Work-Based Learning (WBLR) submission functionality; graduation rates; graduate and completer counts. -
CALPADS Update Flash #204](
Topics include: New Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) reporting system; training offered on April 28; ASVAB reporting collection window.- Visit the [Common Questions regarding the ASVAB Test and Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)]]( for answers to commonly asked questions about these tests.
CALPADS Update Flash #203](
Topics include: Reporting Postsecondary Status File in End-of-Year (EOY) 4 for Special Education in 2020--21. -
CALPADS Update Flash #202](
Topics include: Guidance on retroactive granting of high school diplomas authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 1350; AB 1350 and impact of Graduation Rate. -
CALPADS Update Flash #201](
Topics include: 2020−21 Fall 2 Submission of Course Data for Assignment Monitoring. -
CALPADS Update Flash #200](
Topics include: 2020--21 Pandemic-Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Program. -
CALPADS Update Flash #199](
Topics include: 2020--21 Fall 1 Amendment Window now open; 2020--21 Fall 2 updates; Fall 2 training; Bridge accounts. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #198 (Dated 22-Dec-2020)
Topics include: Special education errors returned to fatal. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #197 (Dated 11-Dec-2020)
Topics include: Adjustments for initial Fall 1 certification; it\'s important for New Charter Schools and Growth Funding applicants to approve Fall 1 Submission by Dec.18. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #196 (Dated 04-Dec-2020)
Topics include: Streamlining postsecondary status data collection through CALPADS. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #195 (Dated 19-Nov-2020)
Topics include: Resolving Certification Error #132 (CERT132). -
CALPADS Update FLASH #194 (Dated 17-Nov-2020)
Topics include: Fall 1 deadline reminder; guidance re: 2020--21 collecting Federal Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) eligibility data for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) purposes; functionality for the submission of student testing settings will not be implemented in 2021--22. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #193 (Dated 13-Nov-2020)
Topics include: Special education guidance and changes. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #192 (Dated 26-Oct-2020)
Topics include: 2020--21 Changes to English Learner count; New Education Program Code added for English Learners; 2020--21 National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Application Requirements. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #191 (Dated 23-Sep-2020)
Topics include: Topics include: Major changes included in the 2020--21 rollover release; Major changes to the 2020--21 Fall 1 Submission; Fall 2 change related to the use of the generic Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) of \"9999999999.\" -
CALPADS Update FLASH #190 (Dated 15-Sep-2020)
Topics include: 2020--21 roll over; CALPADS training for all users; October CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) registration information. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #189 (Dated 03-Sep-2020)
Topics include: Important English Language Acquisition Status Updates. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #188 (Dated 27-Aug-2020)
Topics include: End-of-Year (EOY) submission deadline updates; update on defect resolution. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #187 (Dated 18-Aug-2020)
Topics include: Guidance for populating Student Absence Summary and Course Section files in 2020--21. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #186 (Dated 13-Aug-2020)
Topics include: New education program for 2020--21: Tribal Foster Youth. Education Program Code 193 added to CALPADS. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #185 (Dated 10-Aug-2020)
Topics include: Senate Bill (SB) 98 highlights; Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 ("COVID-19")-related frequently asked questions (FAQs); 2020--21 submission guidelines; anomaly percentage threshold for Fall 1. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #184 (Dated 27-Jul-2020)
Topics include: 2020--21 Work-Based Learning data; preparing for submitting the Work-Based Learning (WBLR) File in 2020--21 EOY 1; Work-Based Learning codes for Students with disabilities (SWD). -
CALPADS Update FLASH #183 (Dated 02-Jul-2020)
Topics include: Reporting Career Technical Education (CTE) concentrators; Work-Based Learning Indicator Data for Students with disabilities (SWD) from the special education data systems (SEDS); statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) for SWD going from Part C to Part B Program; Special Education (SPED) file/exit reasons.
2019--20 Academic Year (157 to 182)¶
CALPADS Update FLASH #182 (Dated 19-Jun-2020)
Topics include: Important Reminders Before Certifying Homeless Data in CALPADS Reports 5.4 and 5.5, Reminder of LEA End-of-Year Roll Over Activities, Preparing for Direct Certification Counts During July and August. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #181 (Dated 16-Jun-2020)
Topics include: EOY 4 and Special Education data issues, EOY 4 CERT140 and CERT142, EOY 4 CERT160 changes; other EOY updates. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #180 (Dated 05-Jun-2020)
Topics include: COVID-19 related updates. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #179 (Dated 18-May-2020)
Topics include: 2020--21 process for submitting ELAS and IFEP; 2020--21 and 2021--22 process for submitting student test settings. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #178 (Dated 15-May-2020)
Topics include: 2019--20 End-of-Year submissions. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #177 (Dated 13-May-2020)
Topics include: Updating CALPADS critical for students to receive benefits under pandemic-EBT; charter school reporting method. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #176 (Dated 04-May-2020)
Topics include: Input and Certification Validation Errors for End-of-Year 4 - Special Education. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #175 (Dated 14-Apr-2020)
Topics include: Frequently asked questions related to COVID-19 and CALPADS data collection. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #174 (Dated 01-Apr-2020)
Topics include: Name and definition changes for work-based learning indicator fields on the Special Education (SPED) file for 2019--20 reporting. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #173 (Dated 30-Mar-2020)
Topics include: COVID-19 guidance and resources; preliminary approval of testing and accountability waivers for 2019--20. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #172 (Dated 16-Mar-2020)
Topics include: Window for changing charter school reporting status moved to May and will be conducted online; charter school reporting for SWD data. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #171 (Dated 13-Mar-2020)
Topics include: Upcoming CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) on April 7,2020; attendee/registration info and agenda. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #170 (Dated 11-Mar-2020)
Topics include: Fall 2 deadline approaching; supporting Report 2.14 -- *Language Instruction Program - Count *available 2020--21; middle school core course vs middle school core setting. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #169 (Dated 29-Jan-2020)
Topics include: Disabling of the Student Discipline (SDIS) file on Feb. 25, 2020; CTE data survey template for 2018--19 CTE completers. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #168 (Dated 17-Dec-2019)
Topics include: Important Reminder to update the Student English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) in CALPADS Prior to Summative Testing for the ELPAC. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #167](
Topics include: When to use an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Program (IEP), or an Individualized Service Plan (ISP). -
CALPADS Update FLASH #166 (Dated 06-Dec-2019)
Topics include: Exiting students from the special education program versus exiting students from a school; IEP requirements for students with disabilities transferring into a district. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #165 (Dated 22-Nov-2019)
Topics include: 2019--20 Fall 1 submission requirements modification; viewing Fall 1 SPED certification errors. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #164 (Dated 05-Nov-2019)
Topics include: New Postsecondary Status (PSTS) file; reporting postsecondary status for career technical education (CTE). -
CALPADS Update FLASH #163 (Dated 25-Sep-2019)
Topics include: Reporting multilingual and English learner programs; reporting English learner services. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #162 (Dated 25-Sep-2019)
Topics include: Information regarding the upcoming October 8, 2019 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM). -
CALPADS Update FLASH #161 (Dated 10-Sep-2019)
Topics include: Special Education data reporting and monitoring; determining LEA and DSEA responsibility for reporting SWD data; enrolling/exiting SWD in CALPADS; CALPADS user roles; addressing data discrepancies in local SIS and SEDS; charter school reporting of special education data.\ Additionally, please refer to the common scenarios for [Reporting Data for Students with Disabilities]. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #160 (Dated 15-Aug-2019)
Topics include: Reviewing District of Special Education Accountability field for accuracy; reviewing DSEA and updating in CALPADS. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #159 (Dated 31-Jul-2019)
Topics include: Collection of data on the use of restraint and seclusion for all students. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #158 (Dated 30-Jul-2019)
Topics include: Guidance for changing a student's gender in CALPADS, and guidance for changing a student's legal name in CALPADS. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #157 (Dated 22-Jul-2019)
Topics include: Options for testing students and using results of Initial ELPAC during summer; guidance re: entering successful pre-apprenticeship programs in CALPADS.
CALPADS Update FLASH #148 (Dated 23-Jan-2019)
Topics include: Enrollment and attendance accounting guidance for students attending hospital/health facility programs in another LEA and while on paternity leave; clarification regarding reporting disciplinary incidents -
CALPADS Update FLASH #134 (Dated 24-Jan-2018)
Topics include: Updated guidance (previously provided in Flash 132) regarding appropriate use of N470 exit code. -
CALPADS Update FLASH #132 (Dated 17-Nov-2017)
Topics include: Aligning guidance regarding when to disenroll Truants to support practices to reduced Chronic Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropouts