Acronyms and Abbreviations
(Updated 2/12/2025)
This section contains a list of acronyms and other abbreviations used across CALPADS documentation.
Acronym or Abbreviation | Description | Used In |
A - G | University of California and California State University admission requirements | |
AAC | Augmentative Alternative Communication | SPED |
AAP | Adoption Assistance Program | CDSS |
AASA | American Association of School Administrators | |
AB | Assembly Bill | General |
AB | Assembly Bill | |
ABA | Applied Behavioral Analysis | SPED |
ABAWD | Abled-Bodied Adult without Dependents | CDSS |
ACA | Affordable Care Act | CDSS |
ACCS | Advisory Commission on Charter Schools | SBE |
ACF | Administration for Children and Families | CDSS |
ACGR | Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate | CALPADS, Dashboard |
ACL | All County Letter | CDSS |
ACS | Accrediting Commission for Schools | |
ACSA | Association of California School Administrators | General |
ACSE | Advisory Commission on Special Education | General |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act | CALPADS, SPED, SBE |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance | CALPADS, SPED, SBE |
ADPAU | Accountability Development and Policy Analysis Unit (CDE) | |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | SPED |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children | CDSS |
AFDC-FC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children - Foster Care | CDSS |
AFT | American Federation of Teachers | SBE |
AIR | American Institutes for Research | SPED |
ALJ | Administrative Law Judge | SPED |
AMAO | Annual Measurable Achievement Objective | SBE |
AMARD | Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division (CDE) | |
AME | Arts, Media and Entertainment (CTE programs) | |
AMO | Assignment Monitoring Outcome | CALPADS, CTC |
AP | Advanced Placement | General |
AP | Accounts Payable | |
APD | Adult Programs Division | CDSS |
APE | Adapted Physical Education | SPED |
API | Application programming interface | TOMS, CAASPP, ELPAC, CALPADS, SPED |
API | Academic Performance Index | SBE |
APR | Accountability Progress Reporting | SBE |
APS | Adult Protective Services | CDSS |
AR | Accounts Receivable | |
AR | Administrative Review (nutrition) | |
AR/CO | Annual Reporting/Child Only | CDSS |
ARC | Approved Relative Caregiver | CDSS |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | General |
ASAM | Alternative Schools Accountability Model | SBE |
ASBO | Association of School Business Officers | |
ASCIP | Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs | |
ASES | After School Education and Safety | |
ASL | American Sign Language | CAASPP, ELPAC, CALPADS |
ASVAB | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | |
AT | Assistive Technology | SPED |
ATSI | Additional Targeted Support and Improvement | |
AU | Assistance Unit | CDSS |
AU | Administrative Unit | SPED |
AY | Academic Year | |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress | SBE |
BCBA | Board Certified Behavioral Analyst | SPED |
BER | Behavior Emergency Report | SPED |
BIE | Bureau of Indian Education | |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan | SPED |
BTSA | Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment | SBE |
BTSA | Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment | |
CA NGSS | California Next Generation Science Standards | CAASPP |
CAA | California Alternate Assessments | SPED, CAASPP, TOMS |
CAAs | California Alternate Assessments | CAASPP, TOMS |
CAASPP | California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress | CALPADS, CAASPP, TOMS, SPED |
CAC | Community Advisory Committee | SPED |
CACC | California Comprehensive Center at WestEd | SBE |
CAFSE | Coalition for Adequate Funding for Special Education | SPED |
CAHSEE | California High School Exit Exam | Legacy |
CAI | Cambium Assessment, Inc. | CAASPP |
CalACES | California Automated Consortium Eligibility System | CDSS |
CalHEERS | California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention System | CDSS |
Cal-OAR | CalWORKs Outcomes and Accountability Review | CDSS |
CALPADS | California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System | CALPADS, CAASPP, TOMS, ELPAC, |
Cal-SAFE | California School-Age Families Education | Legacy |
CalSTAT | California Services for Technical Assistance and Training | SPED |
CALSTRS | California State Teachers' Retirement System | |
CalTAC | California Technical Assistance Center | CAASPP, TOMS |
CALTIDES | California Longitudinal Teacher Information Data Education System | SPED |
CalWIN | California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Information Network | CDSS |
CalWORKs | California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids | CDSS |
CAPA | California Alternate Performance Assessment | SBE |
CAPAAR | California Partnership Academy Annual Reporting System (CDE) | |
CAPI | Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants | CDSS |
CAPIT | Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment | CDSS |
CAPP | California Partners for Permanency | CDSS |
CAPTA | Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act | CDSS |
CARS | Crisis Alert Response System | CAASPP, TOMS |
CARS | Consolidated Application Reporting System | ConApp, CALPADS |
CAS | Centralized Authentication System (CDE) | |
CASBO | California Association of School Business Officials | SBE |
CASC | Clear Administrative Services Credential | |
CASEMIS | California Special Education Management Information System | Legacy |
CASH | Coalition for Adequate School Housing | SBE |
CAST | California Science Test | CAASPP, TOMS |
CAT | computer adaptive test | CAASPP |
CBCAP | Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention | CDSS |
CBEDS | California Basic Educational Data System | |
CBEDS - ORA | California Basic Educational Data System Online Reporting Application (CDE) | |
CBI | Community Based Instruction | SPED |
CBT | Computer Based Test | |
CCC | California Community Colleges | General |
CCEE | California Collaborative for Educational Excellence | |
CCF | Community Care Facility | SPED |
CCI | Coordinated Care Initiative | CDSS |
CCL | Community Care Licensing | CDSS |
CCR | California Code of Regulations | General |
CCR | Continuum of Care Reform | CDSS |
CCS | California Children Services | SPED |
CCSA | California Charter Schools Association | SBE |
CCSESA | California County Superintendents Educational Services Association | SBE |
CCSS | Common Core State Standards | General |
CCSSO | Council of Chief State School Officers | SBE |
CCT | California Community Transition | CDSS |
CDE | California Department of Education | General |
CDE | Child Development and Education | General |
CDIF | County/District Information Form | |
CDPH | California Department of Public Health | CDSS |
CDS | County-District-School (Code) | General |
CDSS | California Department of Social Services | General |
CECRIS | County Expense Claim Reporting Information System | CDSS |
CEDS | Common Education Data Standards | TOMS |
CEIS | Coordinated Early Intervening Services | SPED |
CELDT | California English Language Development Test | Legacy |
CEP | Community Eligibility Provision | CALPADS |
CERS | California Educator Reporting System | CAASPP, ELPAC, TOMS |
CFA | California Faculty Association | |
CFAP | California Food Assistance Program | CDSS |
CFCC | Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee | SBE |
CFCO | Community First Choice Option | CDSS |
CFL | County Fiscal Letter | CDSS |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | General |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | SPED |
CFS | CALPADS File Specifications | CALPADS |
CFT | California Federation of Teachers | SBE |
CFT | California Federation of Teachers | |
CHSEE | California High School Exit Examination (now defunct) | |
CHSPE | California High School Proficiency Exam | General |
CIG | Credential Information Guide | CTC, CALPADS |
C-IV | Consortium-IV | CDSS |
CLAD | Cross - cultural, Language, and Academic Development | |
CMA | California Modified Assessment | SBE |
CMIPS | Case Management, Information and Payrolling System | CDSS |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | CDSS |
CNAC | Child Nutrition Advisory Council | SBE |
CNI | California Necessities Index | CDSS |
CNIPS | Child Nutrition Information and Payment System | |
COE | County Office of Education | General |
COLA | Cost-of-Living Adjustment | General |
ConApp | Consolidated Application | CALPADS |
ConApp | Consolidated Application Allocations & Apportionments | |
COP | Title I Committee of Practitioners | SBE |
CORE | California Office to Reform Education | SBE |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant | SPED |
COYA | California Opportunity Youth Apprenticeship (grant) | |
CPA | California Partnership Academy | CALPADS |
CPAG | California Practitioners Advisory Group | |
CPEC | California Postsecondary Education Commission (defunct) | |
CPI | Consumer Price Index | CDSS |
CPP | California Proficiency Program | General |
CR | constructed response | CAASPP |
CR | Constructed Response | |
CRDC | Civil Rights Data Collection (mandatory federal data collection) | |
CRP | Content Review Panel | SBE |
CSA | California Spanish Assessment | CAASPP, TOMS |
CSAM | California School Accounting Manual | |
CSBA | California School Boards Association | SBE |
CSD | California School Directory | General |
CSDC | Charter Schools Development Center | SBE |
CSEA | California School Employees Association | |
CSEC | Commercially Sexually Exploited Children | CDSS |
CSI | Comprehensive Support and Improvement | |
CSIS | California School Information Services | CALPADS |
CSPR | Consolidated State Performance Report | CALPADS |
CSS | Communication Severity Scales | SPED |
CST | California Standards Test | General |
CSU | California State University | CAASPP |
CTA | California Teachers Association | SBE |
CTC | Commission on Teacher Credentialing | CALPADS |
CTE | Career Technical Education | CALPADS |
CWD | County Welfare Department | CDSS |
CWDA | County Welfare Directors Association | CDSS |
CWDS | Child Welfare Digital Services | CDSS |
CWS | Child Welfare Services | CDSS |
CWS/CMS | Child Welfare Services/Case Management System | CDSS |
CYA | California Youth Authority (now Division of Juvenile Justice) | |
CYAC | California Youth Apprenticeship Committee | |
DACA | Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals | CDSS |
DAIT | District Assistance and Intervention Team | SBE |
DAIT | District Assistance and Intervention Team | |
DAPA | Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents | CDSS |
DASS | Dashboard Alternative School System | CALPADS |
DBH | Department of Behavioral Health | SPED |
DDS | Department of Developmental Services | CDSS |
DDS | Department of Developmental Services | SPED |
DEI | Data Entry Interface | CAASPP, ELPAC, TOMS |
DELAC | District English Learner Advisory Committee | |
DEOA | Department of Education Organization Act | |
DFA | Directions for Administration | CAASPP, ELPAC, TOMS |
DHCS | Department of Health Care Services | CDSS |
DHH | Deaf/Hard of Hearing | SPED |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services | CDSS |
DHS | Department of Health Services | SPED |
DIBELS | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy | SPED |
DIS | Designated Instructional Service | SPED |
DOJ | Department of Justice | CDSS |
DOL | District of Location | SPED |
DOR | District of Residence | SPED |
DPA | Data Privacy Agreement(s) | |
DPI | Department of Public Instruction | |
DQAP | Data Quality Assurance Process | |
DRDP | Desired Results Developmental Profile | SPED |
DRO | Data Reporting Office (CDE) | |
DSEA | District of Special Education Accountability | |
DSS | Department of Social Services | |
DTT | Discrete Trial Training | SPED |
EAP | Early Assessment Program | CAASPP |
EAP | Early Assessment Program | |
EBT | Electronic Benefit Transfer | CDSS |
EBT | Electronic Benefits Transfer | |
EC | Education Code | General |
ECE | Early Childhood Education | SPED |
ECF | Emergency Contingency Fund | CDSS |
ED | United States Department of Education | General |
ED | Emotional Disturbance | SPED |
EDCS | Education Data Collection System | |
EDEN | Education Data Exchange Network | Federal |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations | |
EEF | Educator Effectiveness Funds | |
EIA | Economic Impact Aid | |
EID | Earned Income Disregard | CDSS |
EL | English Learner | General |
ELA | English Language Arts | CALPADS |
ELAC | English Learner Advisory Committee | |
ELAS | English language acquisition status | CALPADS, ELPAC, TOMS |
ELD | English Language Development | CALPADS, ELPAC |
ELO | Expanded Learning Opportunities program | |
ELO - P | Expanded Learning Opportunities Program | |
ELP | English language proficiency | ELPAC |
ELPAC | English Language Proficient Assessments for California | General |
ELPI | English learner progress indicator | ELPAC |
EO | English Only | CALPADS, ELPAC |
EOC | end-of-course (examination) | SBE |
EOP | End of Project | |
EOY | End of Year | CALPADS |
ER | Emergency Response | CDSS |
ERMHS | Educationally Related Mental Health Services | SPED |
ERS | Educational Results Partnership | |
ESAP | Elderly Simplified Application Project | CDSS |
ESD | Elementary School District | |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 | SBE |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act | SPED |
ESL | English as a Second Language | |
ESSA | Every Student Succeeds Act | General |
ESSA-PPE | Every Student Succeeds Act - Per - Pupil Expenditures (CDE fiscal Reporting) | |
ESY | Extended School Year | SPED |
ETS | Educational Testing Service | |
ETV | Education and Training Vouchers | CDSS |
FAPE | free and appropriate public education | SBE |
FAPE | Free and Appropriate Public Education | SPED |
FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment | SPED |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation | CDSS |
FC | Foster Care | CDSS |
FCED | Foster Care Eligibility Determination | CDSS |
FCMAT | Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | |
Fed-GAP | Federal Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment | CDSS |
FEP | Fluent-English Proficient | CALPADS, ELPAC |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | General |
FFA | Foster Family Agency | SPED |
FFH | Family Foster Home | SPED |
FFP | Federal Financial Participation | CDSS |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year | CDSS |
FIEP | Facilitated Individualized Education Program | SPED |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act | CDSS |
FM | Family Maintenance | CDSS |
FMAP | Federal Medical Assistance Percentage | CDSS |
FMTA | Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance | SPED |
FNS | Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture | CDSS |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level | CDSS |
FR | Family Reunification | CDSS |
FRC | Family Resource Center | SPED |
FRPM | Free or Reduced-price Meals | CALPADS |
FTB | Franchise Tax Board | CDSS |
FTE | Full -Time Equivalency | General |
FY | Fiscal Year | General |
GATE | Gifted And Talented Education | CALPADS |
GED | General Educational Development | CALPADS |
GF | State General Fund | CDSS |
HAT | hybrid adaptive test | CAASPP |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act | SPED |
HLS | home language survey | ELPAC |
HOH | Hearing of Hearing | SPED |
HOSS | highest obtainable scale score | TOMS |
HOUSSE | High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation | |
HQ | Highly Qualified | SPED |
HQT | Highly Qualified Teacher | CALPADS |
HSD | High School District | |
HSE | High School Equivalency | |
HumRRO | Human Resources Research Organization | SBE |
IA | Interim Assessment | TOMS |
IA | Instructional Assistant | SPED |
IAES | Interim Alternative Educational Setting | SPED |
IAIP | Interim Assessment Item Portal | TOMS |
IAVS | Interim Assessment Viewing System | TOMS |
IB | International Baccalaureate | CALPADS |
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility | SPED |
ID | Intellectual Disability | SPED |
IDEA | Individualized with Disabilities Education Act | SPED |
IDEIA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act | SPED |
IEE | Independent Educational Evaluation | SPED |
IEP | Individualized Education Program | SPED |
IFEP | Initially Fluent-English Proficient | CALPADS, ELPAC |
IFSP | Individual Family Service Plan | SPED |
IHE | Institute of Higher Education | SPED |
IHSS | In-Home Supportive Services | CDSS |
ILP | Independent Living Program | CDSS |
ILP | Individual Learning Plan | |
IMAP | Instructional Materials Advisory Panel | SBE |
IMFRP | Instructional Materials Fund Realignment Program | SBE |
IPW | Independence Plus Waiver | CDSS |
IQC | Instructional Quality Commission | SBE |
IRC | Inland Regional Center | SPED |
ISA | Individual Service Agreement (for NPS/NPA) | SPED |
ISAAP | Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile | CAASPP |
ISP | Individual Service Plan | SPED |
IT | Information Technology | CDSS |
IWEN | Individual with Exceptional Needs | SPED |
JPA | Joint Powers Agreement | SPED |
JUHSD | Joint Unified High School District | |
JUSD | Joint Unified School District | |
K–12 | kindergarten through grade twelve | TOMS |
K–2 | kindergarten through grade two | TOMS |
Kin-GAP | Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment | CDSS |
LAO | Legislative Analyst’s Office | SPED |
LCAP | Local Control and Accountability Plan | |
LCEN | Language Census | CALPADS, ELPAC |
LCFF | Local Control Funding Formula | General |
LCI | Licensed Children’s’ Institution | SPED |
LEA | Local Educational Agency | ALL CDE |
LEADER | Los Angeles Eligibility, Automated Determination, Evaluation, and Reporting | CDSS |
LEP | Limited-English Proficient | CALPADS, ELPAC |
LI | Low Incidence | SPED |
LOC | Level of Care | CDSS |
LOI | Letter of Intent | |
LOSS | lowest obtainable scale score | TOMS |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment | SPED |
LRF | Local Revenue Fund | CDSS |
LRS | Los Angeles Eligibility, Automated Determination, Evaluation, and Reporting Replacement System | CDSS |
LSH | Language, Speech & Hearing | SPED |
LST | Local Scoring Tool | TOMS |
LTEL | Long - Term English Learners | |
M\&O | Maintenance and Operations | CDSS |
MAP | Maximum Aid Payment | CDSS |
MC | Multiple Choice | |
MEDS | Medi-Cal Eligibility Determination System | CDSS |
MFG | Maximum Family Grant | CDSS |
MOE | Maintenance of Effort | CDSS |
MOE | Maintenance of Effort | SPED |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | CDSS |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | SPED |
MTSS | Multi - Tiered System of Supports | |
MTU | Medical Therapy Unit | SPED |
MYFP | Multiyear Financial Projections | |
MYP | Multiyear Projections | |
NACF | Non-Assistance CalFresh | CDSS |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress | SBE |
NASDSE | National Association of State Directors of Special Education | SPED |
NCES | National Center for Education Statistics | |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind | CALPADS |
NEA | National Education Association | SBE |
NGA | National Governors Association | SBE |
NGSS | Next Generation Science Standards | SBE |
NOA | Notice of Action | CDSS |
NPS | Non-Public Non-Sectarian School | CALPADS |
NPS | Nonpublic School | |
NPS/NPA | Non Public Schools/Non Public Agencies | General |
NS | No score available | TOMS |
NSD | Nutrition Services Division | |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program | CALPADS |
NT | Not tested | TOMS |
NTE | Not tested medical emergency | TOMS |
O\&M | Orientation and Mobility | SPED |
OAH | Office of Administrative Hearings | SPED |
OCAP | Office of Child Abuse Prevention | CDSS |
OCAT | Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool | CDSS |
OCR | Office of Civil Rights | |
OHI | Other Health Impairment | SPED |
OI | Orthopedic Impairment | SPED |
OIG | Office of the Inspector General | CDSS |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OPSC | Office of Public School Construction | |
OPUS | Online Public Update for Schools (CDE) | |
ORA | Online Reporting Application | CALPADS |
OSE | Office of the Secretary for Education | SBE |
OSEP | Office of Special Education Programs | Federal |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services | SPED |
OSI | Office of Systems Integration | CDSS |
OT | Occupational Therapy | SPED |
PA | Performance Assessment | |
PADC | Principal Apportionment Data Collection (SYSTEM) | |
PAIF | Professional Assignment Information Form | |
PAR | Peer Assistance and Review Program for Teachers | SBE |
PARCC | Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | SBE |
PBIS | Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports | |
PBL | Project - Based Learning | |
PCAB | Proposed County Administrative Budget | CDSS |
PCM | Professional Crisis Management | SPED |
PCMA | Professional Crisis Management Association | SPED |
PCSP | Personal Care Services Program | CDSS |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder | SPED |
PECS | Picture Exchange Communication System | SPED |
PENT | Positive Environment, Network of Trainers | SPED |
PFA | Preparing for Administration | CAASPP, TOMS |
PFT | Physical Fitness Testing | SBE |
PGE | Parent/Guardian exemption | TOMS |
PI | Program Improvement | SBE |
PL | Public Law | CDSS |
PLD | performance (or proficiency) level descriptor | SBE |
PP | Permanent Placement | CDSS |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment | |
PPT | paper–pencil test | CAASPP |
PS | Program Specialists | SPED |
PSAA | Public School Accountability Act | SBE |
PSAT | Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test | |
PSSF | Promoting Safe and Stable Families | CDSS |
PT | performance task | CAASPP |
PT | Physical Therapy | SPED |
PT | Performance Task | |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association | |
PTAC | Privacy Technical Assistance Center (Federal USDE) | |
PTSA | Parent Teacher Student Association | |
PWN | Prior Written Notice | SPED |
QA | Quality Assurance | CDSS |
QEIA | Quality Education Investment Act of 2006 | SBE |
QR | Quarterly Reporting | CDSS |
RADEP | Research and Development Enterprise Project | CDSS |
RCA | Refugee Cash Assistance | CDSS |
RFA | Request for Applications | SBE |
RFA | Resource Family Approval | CDSS |
RFEP | Reclassified Fluent-English Proficient | CALPADS |
RFEP | Reclassified Fluent English Proficient | |
RFP | Request for Proposals | SBE |
RLA/ELD | reading-language arts/English language development | SBE |
RMR | Regional Market Rate | CDSS |
RNE | Recent Noncitizen Entrants | CDSS |
ROC/P | Regional Occupational Center or Program | CALPADS |
ROCP | Regional Occupational Centers and Programs | SBE |
RS | Related Services | SPED |
RSP | Resource Specialist Program | CALPADS, SPED, CTC |
RSVP | Rotating Score Validation Process | ELPAC, TOMS |
RtI | Response to Instruction and Intervention | SPED |
RTTT | Race to the Top | SBE |
S - EBT | Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (aka "Sun Bucks") | |
SACS | Standardized Account Code Structure | |
SAI | Specialized Academic Instruction | SPED |
SAIT | School Assistance and Intervention Team | SBE |
SAR | Semiannual Reporting | CDSS |
SARB | School Attendance Review Board | SBE |
SARB | School Attendance Review Board (state) | |
SARC | School Accountability Report Card | SBE |
SARC | School Accountability Report Card | |
SAT | Scholastic Assessment Test | |
SAWS | Statewide Automated Welfare System | CDSS |
SAWS | Statewide Automated Welfare System | |
SB | Senate Bill | General |
SBAC | Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium | General |
SBCP | School-Based Coordination Program | SBE |
SBE | State Board of Education | |
SBP | School Breakfast Program | |
SCI | Specialized Care Increment | CDSS |
SCIA | Special Circumstance Instructional Assistance | SPED |
SCO | State Controller’s Office | CDSS |
SD | School District | |
SDAIE | Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English | CALPADS |
SDC | Special Day Class | SPED |
SEA | State Educational Agency | General |
SED | Socio - Economically Disadvantaged | General |
SEEDS | Special Education Early Delivery System | SPED |
SEID | Statewide Educator Identifier | CALPADS, CTC |
SEIS | Special Education Information System | SPED |
SELPA | Special Education Local Plan Area | General |
SEPS | Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting | |
SES | Supplemental Education Services | SBE |
SESR | Special Education Self | SPED |
SFA | School Food Authorities | |
SFIS | Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System | CDSS |
SH | Severe Handicap | SPED |
SIF | School Information Form | |
SIG | School Improvement Grant | SBE |
SIP | School Improvement Program | |
SIS | Student Information System | |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability | SPED |
SLFS | School - Level Finance Survey (mandatory federal data collection) | |
SLI | Speech/Language Impairment | SPED |
SLP | Speech/Language Pathologist | SPED |
SLPA | Speech/Language Pathology Assistant | SPED |
SNAP-Ed | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education | CDSS, CALPADS |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility | SPED |
SNP | School Nutrition Program | |
SOP | Summary of Performance | SPED |
SPED | Special Education | |
SPMP | Skilled Professional Medical Personnel | CDSS |
SPP | State Performance Plan | SPED |
SPPO | Student Privacy Policy Office (Federal USDE) | |
SPSA | School Plan for Student Achievement (LCAP/CDE) | |
SR | Selected Response | |
SSA | Social Security Administration | CDSS |
SSC | School Services of California | SPED |
SSC | Schoolsite Council | |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | CDSS |
SSI/SSP | Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment | CDSS |
SSID | Statewide Student Identifier | General |
SSO | single sign-on | CAASPP |
SSO | Seamless Summer Option | Nutrition |
SSOS | Statewide System of Support | |
SSP | State Supplementary Payment | CDSS |
SSPI | State Superintendent of Public Instruction | General |
SSR | Student Score Report | CAASPP, TOMS |
SST | Student Study Team | |
STAIRS | Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System | CAASPP, ELPAC, TOMS |
STAR | Standardized Testing and Reporting Program | SBE |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | |
STRTP | Short-term Residential Therapeutic Program | CDSS |
STS | Standards-based Tests in Spanish | SBE |
SUAS | State Utility Assistance Subsidy | CDSS |
SWD | Student With Disabilities | |
SWP | Schoolwide Program | CALPADS, CBEDS |
SY | School Year | |
TA | test administrator | CAASPP |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group | SBE |
TAM | Test Administration Manual | ELPAC |
TAMO | Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcome | |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | CDSS |
TAS | Targeted Assistance School | |
TBD | To Be Determined | CALPADS, ELPAC, TOMS |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | SPED |
TCVAP | Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program | CDSS |
TDG | Technical Design Group (PSAA Advisory Committee) | SBE |
TDS | test delivery system | CAASPP, ELPAC |
TE | test examiner | CAASPP, ELPAC |
TE | Technology Enhanced | |
TEACCH | Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children | SPED |
THSS | Teacher Hand Scoring System | CAASPP, ELPAC, TOMS |
TOMS | Test Operations Management System | CAASPP, ELPAC |
TOR | Teacher of Record | CALPADS, CTC, CALSAAS |
TPSL | Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave | CALPADS, CTC, CALSAAS |
TOSA | Teacher on Special Assignment | |
TRCS | technology readiness checker for students | ELPAC |
TSI | Targeted Support and Improvement | |
UC | University of California | CDSS |
UC | University of California | |
UC/CSU | University of California/California State University | SBE |
UCLA | University of California - Los Angeles | CDSS |
UCP | Uniform Complaint Procedure | SBE |
UESD | Union Elementary School District | |
UIN | Unique Identification Number | TOMS |
USD | Unified School District | SBE |
USD | Unified School District | |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | CDSS |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | |
UTLA | United Teachers-Los Angeles | SBE |
VI | Visual Impairment | SPED |
VPSS | Verification Process for Special Settings | |
W\&IC | Welfare and Institutions Code | CDSS |
WASC | Western Association of Schools and Colleges | |
WDTIP | Welfare Data Tracking Implementation Project | CDSS |
WER | Writing Extended Response | CAASPP |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act | |
WINS | Work Incentive Nutritional Supplement | CDSS |
WPR | Work Participation Rate | CDSS |
WTW | Welfare-to-Work | CDSS |
YEP | Youth Employment Program |