C/A 1.22: Graduates and Completers - Count

Updated 5/16/2024

Description: Reports the number of students who are Regular High School Diploma Graduates, Alternate Pathway Diploma, CHSPE Completers, Adult Education High School Diplomas, Special Education Certificate of Completion, General Education Completers for the selected Academic Year and compares to prior academic year graduates and completers.

Data As Of: Snapshot version, any time in the reported academic year (7/1 – 6/30)

Security Role(s) Required: County (For COEs); Authorizing LEA Reports (For all other LEAs)

Basic selection criteria:

  • Enrollment Status = 10 (Primary) or 30 (Short-Term Enrollment)
  • Grade Levels = 07 – 12
  • Enrollment Exit Date (SENR 1.26) falls within the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle for the Reporting Year

    • Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle: August 16 of the Academic Year selected (i.e. Reporting Year) to August 15 of the following selected Academic Year (i.e. year following Reporting Year). Example for 2022-23 Academic Year: 8/16/2022 – 8/15/2023
  • Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230-CompleterExit AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 100-HS Diploma, 330-Passed CHSPE, 250-Adult Ed. High School Diploma, 320-Completed GED and No Standard HS Diploma or 120-Special Ed. Certification of Completion and No Standard HS Diploma.

    • Note: Students are considered Graduate and Completer even with a subsequent enrollment.
  • Student Program (SPRG) data (e.g., Socio-economically Disadvantaged) are selected from an Education Program Record with Education Program Membership Start Date and End Date (if exists) effective on any date during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle, regardless of whether the record is owned by the school being reported and regardless of Education Program Membership Code

  • Special Education Status (SWDS) data reported or used for selecting Students with Disabilities subgroup are selected from the Eligible and Participating SWDS record [Special Education Status Code = 1 (Eligible and Participating)] effective during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle on any date, regardless of whether the record is owned by the LEA being reported (See CALPADS Glossary: Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle)

  • Student Information (SINF) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Race/Ethnicity, EL, etc.) are selected from the most recent record that overlaps the qualifying enrollment.

Text: *Prior Academic Year counts from the previous certified EOY 3 Counts and are informational only.

Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed

  • Academic Year
  • County
  • LEA
  • Revision Status
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Enrollment Status
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged
  • English Language Acquisition Status
  • Foster Youth
  • Education Program
  • Seal of Biliteracy
  • Golden State Seal of Merit Diploma
  • UC/CSU Requirements Met
  • Adult Age Students with Disabilities Transition Status
  • Graduate with Local Exemption

This is a nested report, meaning the first section selects all non-charter schools by LEA. The second section selects all charter schools by LEA (including IRCs). If no schools are expected for a section of the report, the Heading and the Total Selected LEAs row is displayed with zeros for all counts.

Report Logic:

EOY 3 C/A Report 1.22

Column Rules
1 LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools Table.
2 LEA Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table
3 School code - derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
4 School Name - determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
5 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle as a Graduate and Completer. Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 100, 330, 250, 320 or 120
6 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle with Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 100
7 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle with Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 330
8 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle with Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 250
9 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle with Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 120
10 Unduplicated count of students who were exited during the Completer Enrollment Reporting Cycle with Student Exit Reason Code (SENR 1.27) = E230 AND Completion Status Code (SENR 1.28) = 320

Additional Resources

CALPADS File SpecificationsForm

Look for Student Enrollment (SENR) tab for the fields indicated in the report logic.

CALPADS Data Guide

Chapter 5.1 Appendix C provides additional information on Student Exit Reason code and Student School Completion status descriptions.


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The exit and completion code definitions are listed in this document.