C/A 3.14 Career Technical Education Noncompleter Participants – Count

Updated 05/16/2024

Description: Reports the total number of CTE Noncompleter Participants by CTE Course at the school level, by gender. School level data is also aggregated at the LEA level. The number of Noncompleter Participants within each Student Group are also counted.

Report Type: Snapshot / (EOY 1)

Security Role(s) Required: County (For COEs); Authorizing LEA Reports (For all other LEAs)

Data As Of:

  • Snapshot version, July 1 – June 30

Basic selection criteria:

  • Enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period qualifies for selection.
  • Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30
  • Grade Level = 07-12
  • Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) must map to a state course code that is a CTE course (CRSC Field 9.07 = 7000-8999) for the student to be counted as a participant or completer.
  • Only students who are CTE Participants but not CTE Completers (i.e. those who do NOT have an associated SCTE record), should be included in this report.

Student Data Rules:

  • A student who has different CTE Course Enrollments at the same school during the Reporting Period should be counted for each CTE Course Enrollment.

  • A student who is enrolled at two different schools at the same LEA during the Reporting Period and has Course Enrollments in the same Industry Sector, should count in both schools but only count once per Industry Sector in that school (i.e. unduplicated per Industry Sector per school). For counting within a Core Indicator, unduplicate at the School level, EXCEPT for Nontraditional Course Enrollment.

  • “TOTAL – School” should be unduplicated across all Industry Sectors (i.e. counts once per school).
  • “TOTAL – Example Industry Sector” – unduplicated across all Selected Schools for each Industry Sector (i.e. counts once per Industry Sector).
  • “TOTAL – Selected Schools” – unduplicated across all Selected Schools for all Industry Sectors (i.e. counts once per LEA).

Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected

  • Academic Year
  • County
  • LEA
  • Revision Status
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Enrollment Status
  • CTE Industry Sector
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)
  • Socio-Economically Disadvantaged
  • Nontraditional Course Enrollment – Note: for AY 21-22+, no options are available
  • English Learners
  • Foster Youth
  • Education Program

Report Logic

EOY 1 CA Report 3.14

Column Rules
1 LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
2 LEA Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
3 School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
4 School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
5 CTE Industry Sector Code based on Pathway from SCTE Field 11.13 CTE Pathway Code. See CALPADS Valid Code Combinations
6 SINF Field 2.19 Gender.
7 Unduplicated count of CTE Participants – Student has SCSC record for the academic year associated with a CRSC record where the State Course Code (Field 9.07) is a CTE course (CTE Completers are NOT included in this count).
8 Unduplicated count of overlapping 504 Accommodation Plan (SPRG Field 3.13 Education Program Code = Code 101) or overlapping active SPED record in ODS with Education Plan Type (Field 14.24) = 100 (IEP/IFP), 150 (IFSP), or 200 (ISP)
9 Option 1: Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level Code (SINF Field 2.50 = 14-Not HS Graduate) from most recent SINF record
Option 2: SPRG Field 3.13 = 181 or 182
Option 3: SPRG Field 3.13 = 135
Option 4: SPRG Field 3.13 = 191
Option 5: Foster Program Eligible
Option 6: Direct Certification = Y
Option 7: Students enrolled in a Juvenile Court School
Option 8: SPRG Field 3.13 = 193
10 SPRG Field 3.13 Education Program Code = 162.
11 SELA Field 12.13 English Language Acquisition Status Code = EL.
12 Unduplicated count of students in Foster Youth
13 Unduplicated count of students in Tribal Foster Youth (SPRG Field 3.13 Education Program Code = 193)
14 Unduplicated count of students in Homeless program (SPRG Field 3.13 Education Program Code = 191)
15 Unduplicated count of students in Armed Forces Family Member program (SPRG Field 3.13 Education Program Code = 192)

Additional Resources

CALPADS File Specifications

Look for Course Completion (CRSC), Student Course Completion (SCSC), Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) and Student Information (SINF) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.

CALPADS Data Guide

Chapter 3.2.1 provides additional information on CTE Completion data.


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The different course-related code definitions are listed in this document.

CALPADS Valid Code Combinations

This document lists course codes with its corresponding pathway designation that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS.