Middle School Core Setting

Source: https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/assignment-resources/core-assignments

A core setting occurs when a teacher is assigned on the basis of a credential that authorizes service in a self-contained classroom (Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary Teaching Credentials) in grades five through eight and:

  • Teaches two or more subjects to the same group of students in the same day, and;
  • The student population for the class(es) remains substantially the same.

Core assignments also allow for educators to be assigned a hanging period which allows an educator to teach one of the subjects already being taught in their core assignment. For a hanging period to be part of a correct core assignment, the extra period(s) must:

  • Be in one of the exact same subjects already being taught in one of the core assignment;
  • Be at the same grade level as the core assignment, and;
  • Cannot constitute more than half of the teacher's total assignment.

The intent of the core setting is that the student group is the same and remains together for all portions of the core assignment, which maintains the basis of the self-contained classroom. The instruction, however, is segmented into independent periods of instruction to mirror a departmentalized setting. Hence, classes should be departmentalized courses and NOT Self-contained (1000).

Sample Class Scenarios

Core Setting 1:

  • Period 1: English to Class A
  • Period 2: History/Social Science to Class A
  • Period 3: English to Class B
  • Period 4: History/Social Science to Class B
  • Period 5: English to Class C

Core Setting 2:

  • Period 1: English to Class A
  • Period 2: History/Social Science to Class A
  • Period 3: Science to Class A
  • Period 4: English to Class B
  • Period 5: History/Social Science to Class B
  • Period 6: Science to Class B

Core Schedule for Teacher

Core settings allow an educator holding a credential authorizing service in a self-contained classroom to provide instruction in a partially departmentalized setting. This educator may teach two or more departmentalized subjects to the same group of students in the same day, and provide instruction in hanging fifth period(s). This setting is only permitted for use in grades 5-8.

Sample Educator Core Schedule