C/A Report 2.1: Title III Eligible Immigrants – Count¶
(Updated as of 10/27/2023)
Description: Reports the total number of enrolled Title III Eligible Immigrants by LEA as of Fall 1 Census Day by LEA at the selected county
Report Type: Snapshot (Fall 1)
Security Roles:
- LEA Authorizer: Authorizing LEA Role
- County Office of Ed: County Role
Data As Of:
- Fall 1 Census Day (First Wednesday in October)
Basic Report Display Criteria:
LEA Selection
Only LEAs who have certified their data are displayed on the C/A reports
- Reports display data only for expected school types flagged as “Y- Yes” or “P- Permitted”
- Schools that are expected with a type “Y” will report zeros if the data is certified with no counts
- Schools that are expected with a “P” and have not submitted data for the report data type, the school will not display on the report if zeros are certified.
- Permitted type schools will only display if they submit and certify data within the report type.
Basic Select Criteria
- Student must have an open, primary enrollment (SENR) record within LEA as of Fall 1 Census Day (first Wednesday in October) with grade level = PS, KN, 01-12, UE and US.
- Must have a SINF record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment
- Using the student’s birthdate the age must be from 3-21 (inclusive)
- Student Age is calculated using the current date for current year processing. For prior year processing the date of census day for the selected prior year is used
- Title III Eligible Immigrant:
- Enrolled in US School Less Than Three Cumulative Years Indicator (SINF Field 2.46) = Y
- Student Birth Country Code (Field 2.22) not = United States or Puerto Rico
- Student Age* = 3-21 (inclusive) using Student Birthdate (SINF Field 2.18)
- Grade Level Code (SENR Field 1.25) Not = AD
Report Filters:
- Academic Year
- County
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
Report Logic¶
Column | Rules |
1 | LEA code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | LEA Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table. |
3 | School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
4 | School Name is derived from by #3 and the Expected Schools Table |
5 | SENR 1.24 – Enrollment Status Code equals 10 (Primary) and SENR 1.25 – Grade Level code does not equal AD and SINF 2.18 – Student Birth Date totals Age 3 to 21 and SINF 2.22 – Student Birth Country Code does not equal US or PR and SINF 2.46 – Enrolled in US School less than 3 cumulative years indicator = Y |
Glossary References:¶
See Title III Eligible Immigrants Subgroup, Census Day, Open Enrollment