Report 3.11 - Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses¶
(Updated as of 04/04/2023)
Description: Reports list of students in each completed course section by school with final completion information (i.e. marking period, credits attempted, credits earned, and final grade). (LEAs are instructed to submit those course sections that began during the Reporting Year (i.e. Academic Year), regardless of when they were completed.)
This report is the course section completion equivalent of Report 3.8 Course Section Enrollment – Student List.
Report Type: ODS and Snapshot / (EOY 1)
Security Roles: EOY 1 Reports Role
Data As Of:
- If ODS version, user defined
- If Snapshot version, July 1 – June 30 .
Basic selection criteria:
- Open Enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period qualifies for selection.
- SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment
- Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30
- Grade Level = 07-12 only
- SDEM record that falls in the Report Period exists for SEID.
- SEID exists in Course Section
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- Enrollment Status
- Content Area
- State Course Code
- Course Content Area Subcategory
- Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range
- CTE Course
- CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator
- UC/SCU Approved Course
- Non-Standard Instructional Level
- Educational Options Course
- Academic Term
- Marking Period
Report Logic:¶
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table. |
3 | Use CRS‐State Course Code Field 9.07 to look‐up value in Course Group Master Combos document, Valid Code Combo sheet/tab, to derive corresponding Content Area code and name. |
See the Content Area Category Assignment Code column on the Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations | |
4 | CRSC Field 9.07 to display name of each State Course Code with student enrollment. |
5 | CRSC Field 9.28 – Displays the Course Content Area Subcategory |
6 | CRSC Field 9.29 – Displays the Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range |
7 | CRSC Field 9.08 and CRSC Field 9.09 to Display name of each Local Course ID and Course Name. |
8 | SCSC Field 10.14 - A unique identifier for a Course Section assigned by a local educational agency. |
9 | SCSC Field 10.15 - A coded value representing an Academic Term. |
10 | SDEM Field 7.09 SEID - see Basic Selection Criteria. |
11 | SDEM Field 7.10-7.12 Staff Legal Name |
12 | SCSC Field 10.07 SSID. Qualifying SENR Exists. |
13 | SINF Fields 2.11 and 2.13 for Student Legal Name |
Column | Rules |
14 | SINF Field 2.10 Student Local ID |
15 | SINF Field 2.19 Gender |
16 | SENR Field 1.24 Grade Level Code = 7-12 or US |
17 | SINF Fields 2.23-2.30 Race Ethnicity determined per criteria: |
2.23 = Y (Hispanic) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and 2.25 = 100 (Am Ind/Alaska Nat) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and 2.25 = 201 - 208, 299, 400 (Asian) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and 2.25 = 600 (Black/African Am) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and 2.25 = 301, 303, 304, 399 (Nat Hawaii/Pac Isl) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and 2.25 = 700 (White) | |
OR 2.23 = N and 2.30 = N and multi race categories in the most recent SINF (Multi) | |
OR 2.24 = Y – OR - 2.23 = N and 2.30 = Y (Missing) | |
18 | SPED Field 14.28 Primary Disability from most recent Active SPED record as of Report Date |
19 | SPED Field 14.29 Secondary Disability from most recent Active SPED record as of Report Date |
20 | SCSC Field 10.20 Marking Period Code must exist in Code Set Table |
21 | SCSC Field 10.16 Student Credit Attempted - valid format (#, #.#, #.##, ##, ##.#, ##.##) |
22 | SCSC Field 10.17 Student Credit Earned - valid format (#, #.#, #.##, ##, ##.#, ##.##) |
23 | SCSC Filed 10.18 Student Final Grade - 1 or 2 or 3 alpha or numeric characters and optional plus (+) or minus (-) sign |
24 | SCSC Field 10.19 UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code = A, B, C, D or F |
25 | SCSC Field 10.21 Carnegie Units Earned |
Additional Resources¶
CALPADS File Specifications¶
Look for Course Completion (CRSC), Student Course Completion (SCSC) and Student Information (SINF) tabs for the fields indicated in the report logic.
CALPADS Data Guide¶
Chapter 2.3 provides additional information on Course Completion data.
CALPADS Code Sets¶
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. The different course-related code definitions are listed in this document.
CALPADS Valid Code Combinations¶
This document lists codes that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS.