Report 1.20: COE LCFF – Student List¶
(Updated as of 10/04/2023)
Description: Reports the students enrolled in County Office of Education (COE) Non-Juvenile Court schools, Charter schools authorized by the COE operating county programs, COE Juvenile Court Schools, and County Charter Juvenile Court schools as of Fall 1 Census Day. Data are reported for each students’ District of Geographic Residence, Student School Transfer Category, and demographic and program data used to determine whether a student eligible for supplemental funding under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
Report Type: ODS and Snapshot / Certification (Fall 1)
Security Roles: County AND Free and Reduced Price Meal VIEW
Data As Of:
- If ODS version, user defined
- If Snapshot version, Fall 1 Census Day (First Wednesday in October)
Basic selection criteria: CALPADS uses the same business logic used in Report 1.17 to determine the unduplicated LCFF counts in Report 1.20. Students will be reported in all schools with qualifying enrollment, provided there are not multiple enrollments within the same LEA. In that case, the student will be reported in school of primary enrollment. Students enrolled in Adult Education Centers are not included in this report, regardless of the grade level reported.
LCFF Age Eligibility: Include grades TK -12, UE, US, and exclude students with Grade Level = TK or KN and whose 5th birthday (Student Birth Date) > April 2nd of the selected Academic Year.
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected
- Academic Year (Snapshot)
- County
- Status – (Snapshot)
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- District of Geographic Residence
- Age Eligibility
- LCFF (DEFAULT) – includes grades KN-12, and excludes students with Grade Level equals KN and whose 5th birthday (Student Birth Date) is after December 2nd of the selected Academic Year based on the As of Date of the report, if this value is selected.
- All (KN-12, UE, US) – includes grades KN-12, UE, US based on the As of Date of the report, if this value is selected
- Title 1 (5-17 year olds only) – includes ages 5-17 in whole years based on Student Birth Date and the As of Date of the report, if this value is selected.
Report Logic¶
Column | Rules |
1 | SENR Filed 1.32 – District of Geographic Residence |
2 | District of Geographic Residence Name - Data element name from CALPADS Security Model |
3 | SENR Field 1.05, School Code is an identifier for the student school of attendance on Census Day |
4 | School of attendance name from CALPADS Security Model |
5 | SSID Field 1.08 - Unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district of enrollment. This number follows the student throughout their enrollment within the California educational system |
6 | SINF Field 2.11 and 2.13 - The Student Legal first and last name of the student identified from birth verification document or through legal adoption, or name change) |
7 | SENR Field 1.09 - Identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency. |
8 | SENR Field 1.24 - Reflects the grade level of a given student |
9 | SINF Field 2.19 - A coded value representing the person's gender |
10 | SENR 1.24 – Enrollment Status is 10 (Primary) or 30 (Short Term) |
11 | SENR Field 1.31 – Student School Transfer Code |
12 | If Student School Transfer Code = ”5” display “County” as the Funding Level, if Student School Transfer Code = “1,2,3,4,and 6” display “District” as the Funding Level, if Student School Transfer Code = blank value, display blank |
13 | SELA 12.13 English Language Acquisition Status Code = EL or ADEL from Census Day through October 6th, then display Yes, if not then No is displayed |
14 | Counts of students with a qualifying open enrollment AND who meet any of the following criteria: |
1) have a Free & Reduced Meal Program (181/182) program record with the membership start date that overlaps the As of Date through October 31st and a membership end date that is null or >= Report Date; | |
2) have program records with a membership start date and membership end date that overlaps Census Day in any of these programs: Homeless: 191, Migrant Program: 135; Tribal Foster Youth 193, | |
3) are EL Funding Eligible; | |
4) are Foster Youth Funding Eligible; or | |
5) are Direct Certification (from July of the academic year through November 2021) | |
15 | If student is a Funding Eligible Foster Youth display “Yes”, otherwise display “No” |
16 | Count of students that have a program record with the membership start date and membership end date that overlaps Census Day and Education Program Code = 193 |