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Report 2.14 Language Instruction Program - Count

(Updated as of 10/04/2023)

Description: Reports the unduplicated count of TK-12 students with Education Program Codes of 300-307 (Language Instruction Programs) as of Census Day.

Report Type: Snapshot / Certification (Fall 2)

Security Roles: Fall 1 Reports Role

Data As Of:

  • If Snapshot version, Fall 2 Census Day (First Wednesday in October)

Basic selection criteria:

  • Students Included:
    • Students with an open enrollment as of Report date, where the Enrollment Status equals 10 (Primary), Short-term (30) and is in Grade Levels TK – 12.
    • Students with a qualifying enrollment at the school with Education Program Codes of 300-307.

Report Filters: : Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed – legend on bottom of last page of report states which filter/s were selected

  • Academic Year
  • LEA
  • Status – (Snapshot)
  • School Type
  • School
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Title 1 Part C Migrant
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Gifted and Talented Education
  • Title lll Eligible Immigrant
  • English Language Acquisition Status

Report Logic:

Fall 2 Report 2.14

Column Rules
1 School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table
2 School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table.
3 English Language Acquisition Status - SELA Code 12.13 - Display English Language Acquisition Status Code.
4 Primary Language - SELA Code 12.15 – Display Primary Language Code
5 Total Students Enrolled - Total number of students enrolled in the school with a qualifying enrollment regardless if they have a LIP SPRG record
6 Total Unduplicated LIPs - unduplicated Sum of unduplicated SSID count for all Language Instruction Program (LIP Codes 300-306) columns
Note: If a student has a LIP record for 300, 301, and 302, they will only count once in this sum per school
7 Total LIPs - SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 300 Unduplicated Count of Developmental Bilingual Program. Sum of Language Instruction Program (LIP Codes 300-306) columns
Note: If a student has a LIP record for 300, 301, and 302, they will count three times – one for each record with a different LIP code, in this sum per school. However, since each LIP (300-306) column is unduplicated, if they have two records for 300, they will only count once in this sum.
8 LIP-Developmental Bilingual program (300) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 300
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 300 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 300 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 300 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
9 LIP-Dual-Immersion Program (301) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 301
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 301 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 301 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 301 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
10 LIP-Heritage or Indigenous Language (302) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 302
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 302 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 301 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 302 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
11 LIP - Newcomer Program (Various Models) (303) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 303
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 303 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 301 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 303 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
12 LIP - One-Way Immersion Program (304) - SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 304
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 304 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 304 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 304 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
13 LIP - Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models (305)- SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 305
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 305 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 305 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 304 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
14 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program (306) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 306
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 306 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 305 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 306 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.
15 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program (306) – SPRG Code 3.13 = Education Program Code = 307
Calculation: Unduplicated Count of Dual-Language Immersion Program of Education Program Code = 307 at each School Code Set: Education Program
Note: If a student has more than one LIP = 305 record at the school, they will only count once. If they have a LIP = 306 record at two different Selected Schools, they will count for each of those schools.