Fall 2 Reporting Roadmap

(Updated as of 9/05/2024)

This primer will provide you the necessary tools in navigating through the CALPADS system and the different Fall 2 reporting requirements for which you are expected to comply with. This page will continually be updated with new content as needed.

Additional guidance is also available in the CALPADS FAQ site.

Fall 2 Calendar

The table below list the official dates and milestones associated to the different CALPADS submission periods. The Official Submission window reflects when the CALPADS snapshot revisions are activated and NOT the start of data submission. Submission of required files can be done anytime and as early as now.

Submission Census Day Primary Data Submitted Official Submission Window Certification Deadline Close of Amendment Window
Fall 1 October 2, 2024 2024–25 (Census Day): ·Enrollment counts
·English language acquisition status
·Immigrant Counts
·Free/reduced-price meal-eligibility
·Special Education
2023–24: ·Dropouts
October 2, 2024 to January 24, 2025 December 13, 2024* January 24, 2025 (no changes can be made after this date)
Fall 2 October 2, 2024 ·Student Course Enrollments
·Staff Assignments and full-time equivalent (FTE)
·English Learner Education Services
December 16, 2024* to February 28, 2025 February 28, 2025 No Amendment Window: Final Deadline is February 28, 2025
End-of-Year (EOY) 1 N/A ·Course Completion for Grades 7–12
·Career Technical Education (CTE) Participants, Concentrators, Completers
·Work-Based Learning Indicators
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 July 25, 2025 August 8, 2025
End-of-Year (EOY) 2 N/A ·Program Eligibility/Participation May 6, 2025 to August 9, 2025 July 25, 2025 August 8, 2025
End-of-Year (EOY) 3 N/A ·Student Incidents
·Cumulative Enrollment
·Student Absence Summary
·One-Year Graduate and Completer Counts
·Count of English Learner (EL) Reclassified during School Year
·Homeless Students
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 July 25, 2025* August 8, 2025
End-of-Year (EOY) 4 N/A ·Special Education
·Postsecondary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities (SWD) Prior Year Completers
May 6, 2025 to August 8, 2025 July 25, 2025* August 8, 2025

Fall 2 Submission Checklist

This form provides detailed list of data requirements and key responsibilities to facilitate the smooth Fall 2 submission and certification experience of LEAs. It contains multiple tabs that includes the checklist and list of certification reports. LEAs may download the spreadsheet, assign staff responsibilities and send it to the field.

Download Checklist
(Updated 8/30/2024)

CALPADS Documentation

CALPADS Update Flash #283 (Dated 02-Jul-2024)

Topics Include: 2024−25 CALPADS Fall Submission Deadlines; 2024–25 CALPADS Regional Update Meetings.


List of frequently asked questions for CALPADS Fall 2 submission.

What is New to Fall 2? (PENDING)

What files should LEAs submit for Fall 2?

Note: Except for the PSTS file, all Fall 2 files must be submitted and posted in the sequence listed above. Also, you should be aware of the default file upload processing method employed by each file.

Staff who should be reported in this submission

Data associated with the following staff should be included in this submission:

  • Certificated employees employed in certificated positions in school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, schools administered by the Department of Corrections, Division of Juvenile Justice, or State Special Schools. Note that even if a given employee is on temporary leave, they should still be included.
  • University interns or district interns authorized by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and employed in certificated positions in school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, schools administered by the Department of Corrections, Division of Juvenile Justice, or State Special Schools.
  • Non-certified instructors who are employed in charter schools and who are providing non-core, non-college prep instructional services, and who have SEIDs.
  • Non-certificated administrators in school districts or county offices of education working at the levels of assistant, deputy, associate superintendent, or higher, who have SEIDs.
  • Non-certificated administrators in charter schools, who have SEIDs.
  • Substitute teachers (long-term and short-term) as defined by the individual districts.
  • Itinerant teachers teaching at multiple sites within a district. Itinerant teachers may or may not be in the master schedule at a site.
  • “Pull-out/push-in” teachers, also known as “resource teachers,” teaching at multiple sites or at one site. Generally, these teachers are not in the master schedule.
  • Individuals on provisional internship permits, short-term staff permits, or teacher/emergency permits.

Staff who should NOT be reported in this submission

Data associated with the following staff should not be included in this submission:

  • Certificated employees in adult education or preschools.
  • Certificated employees in before- or after-school child care programs that do not include instructional programs designed to meet requirements for promotion or grade-level standards.
  • Classified employees in non-certificated positions below the level of assistant, deputy, or associate superintendent.

Determining Which Teacher to Report

LEAs should always report the “teacher of record” (as defined in Education Code section 44809). This means always report the teacher of record unless the position is VACANT*.

*A "Vacant teacher position" means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester.

What is Teacher of Record?

This pertains to the permanent teacher contractually responsible for the instruction of the pupils in the classroom and maintenance of the school record/register (as defined in Education Code section 44809)


  • If the teacher of record is on leave and will not return until some time during the school year (i.e. it could be after October 31), it is still that teacher who should be reported on Census Day.
  • If the teacher of record is ill on Census Day, that teacher should still be reported.
  • If no permanent teacher was assigned to the class on Census day due to vacancy or hiring is still in process, the substitute teacher teaching on Census day will be reported as the teacher of record.

How to Report Teachers

Below are guidelines on how to report teachers based on different teaching scenarios.

Teaching Scenarios SASS Job Classification SASS Non-Classroom Job Assignment CRSE
Regular teacher of record 12 Optional if teacher ALSO has a non-instructional assignment, otherwise N/A Assign SEID and appropriate state course code to course record
Teacher of record (on leave) 12 Report Non-classroom job code 6018 (On Leave) , FTE equal to regular employment FTE. Assign SEID and appropriate state course code to course record
Charter School Non-Certificated teacher on record 26 Optional if teacher ALSO has a non-instructional assignment, otherwise N/A Assign SEID and appropriate state course code to course record
Substitute who is teacher of record for the class because there is no permanent hire for that class (VACANCY) 12 or 26 or 27 Optional if LEA wishes to ADDITIONALLY identify the teacher as a long-term or day-to-day sub use 6014, otherwise N/A Assign SEID and appropriate state course code to course record
Pre-K SPED teachers (Reporting is Optional) 12 or 26 or 27 Report No-classroom job code 6020 (If you choose to report the teacher for Fall 2)
Resource Teachers - 27 if students DO NOT need to be reported (Pre-K to 12) Choose appropriate support code:
9230 - Response to Intervention (RTI)/Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
9231 - Special Education Support-Resource Specialist Program (RSP)
9245 - Foundational Math Support
9246 - Higher Math Support
EL push-in/ pull-out class Teachers - 27 Choose appropriate support code:
9103 - English Support
9104 - English Language Development Reporting SCSE records for students may be optional if the students are in classess also flagged as providing EL services
Permanent employed Substitute who is NOT currently assigned to any course section 12 or 26 or 27 6014 (Day to Day substitute teacher - permanent emp.) N/A
Pull-Out/ Push-In Teachers 27 (if students DO NOT need to be reported (Pre-K to 12) N/A Assign appropriate State course code for class appropriate to subject matter.
College Teachers NOT employed by LEA N/A N/A Assign appropriate State course code for class and use SEID 9999999999. Beginning Fall 2 of 2020–21, a SEID of 9999999999 may be used and not trigger a mis-assignment for: Courses with Field 9.19 – Course Instructional Level Code populated with Code 23 – College Credit Only, or Code 24 – Dual Credit. College Credit Course codes 9020, 9082, 9096, 9120, 9154, 9200, 9227, 9273, 9303, and 9358.
Teachers not employed by LEA (Teaching ROPC, Distant learning, 3rd party 12 or 26 or 27 N/A Assign appropriate State course code for class and report valid SEID for teacher if available, or use SEID 9999999999 but will be a mis-assignment

How to Report Teacher Librarians

Teacher Librarians (school site level)

The table that follows provides information regarding how to correctly report Teacher Librarians at a school site level.

Staff Type Description Credential(s) SASS (Staff Assignment File):
Staff Job Classification Code
SASS (Staff Assignment File):
Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Code
CRSE (Course Enrollment File:
CRS - State Course Code
Teacher Librarian Manages library and provides instruction to students as a departmentalized, scheduled class in the library or in a classroom. Teaching and Library Science and Special Class Authorization 12 N/A 9214
Teacher Librarian (Guided Library Time) Guided library time provides students with guidance on information and digital literacy and digital citizenship and is typically offered in a pull-out setting in the library. A teacher librarian is available to provide general guidance to students on accessing, evaluating, using, and integrating information and ideas found in print, media, and digital resources effectively.  Teaching and Library Science. Special Class Authorization (Not Required) 12 N/A 9238
Teacher Librarian (pull-out) Manages library, and students are pulled out of regular class to receive instruction in the library. Teaching and Library Science 27 N/A 9214
Teacher Librarian (push-in) Manages library and provides instruction to students in another teacher’s classroom. Teaching and Library Science 27 N/A 9214
Teacher Librarian (non-instructional) Plans and coordinates school library programs with the instructional programs of a school district through collaboration with teachers; selects library materials,  develops, delivers library staff development. These teachers do not provide instruction to students in either classroom-based or pull-out or push-in settings. Teaching and Library Science 12 or 27 6027 N/A
Administrator - Library Media Services Supervises Library Media Staff. Administrative Services and Library Science 10 0137 N/A
Library Supervisor or Assistant (classified) Manages or assists in the library. None. Not reported in CALPADS. Reported in aggregate on the CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Classified Staff Count Section Not reported in CALPADS. Reported in aggregate on the CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Classified Staff Count Section Not reported in CALPADS. Reported in aggregate on the CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Classified Staff Count Section

Teacher Librarians (district level)

The table that follows provides information regarding how to correctly report Teacher Librarians at a school site level.

Staff Type Description Credential(s) SASS (Staff Assignment File):
Staff Job Classification Code
SASS (Staff Assignment File):
Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Code
CRSE (Course Enrollment File:
CRS - State Course Code
Teacher Librarian (pull-out) Manages library, and students are pulled out of regular class to receive instruction in the library. Teaching and Library Science 27 N/A 9214
Teacher Librarian (non-instructional) Plans and coordinates school library programs with the instructional programs of a school district through collaboration with teachers; selects library materials,  develops, delivers library staff development. These teachers do not provide instruction to students in either classroom-based or pull-out or push-in settings. Teaching and Library Science 12 or 27 6027 N/A

How to Report Special Education Assignments

Reporting assignments for staff serving students with disabilities in Special Education

Special day classes should be reported in one of two ways:

  • If the teacher is providing instruction in a self-contained setting, then the State Course Code should be 1000 - Self-contained and the Instructional Strategy Code should be populated with 700 - Special Education;
  • If the teacher is providing the student's primary a departmentalized setting, then LEAs should select the appropriate State Course Code that aligns with the content that the teacher is teaching. Additionally, the Instructional Strategy Code should be populated with 700 - Special Education;

Special Education Support - Resource Specialist Programs assignments:   If the teacher is providing SUPPORT instruction (supplementary to their primary instruction) in any subject to students with disabilities (pull-out or push-in)

  • the teacher should be reported with a Job Classification Code of 27 – Itinerant/Pull-Out/Push-In
  • the teacher should be reported with State Course Code 9231 - Special Education Support-Resource Specialist Program (RSP)
  • the Instructional Strategy Code should be populated with 700 - Special Education.
  • LEAs may, but are not required to submit Student Course Section Enrollment records for students that are receiving the support instruction from this teacher, as long as the Staff Job Classification Code for the teacher is 27 – Itinerant/Pull-Out/Push-In
  • RSP Teachers should NOT be reported as "co-teachers" when they are providing pull-out or push-in support for students with disabilities who have been mainstreamed into general education classes.

Staff providing special education services such as occupational and physical therapy or speech and language pathology

  • Staff providing special education services (not instruction) should be reported in the Staff Assignment (SASS) File with the appropriate Non-Classroom-Based or Support Assignment Code. Course sections should not be reported for these staff.

REMINDER: Instructional Strategy code 700 should ONLY be used for courses specifically designed for students with disabilities where all students enrolled are students with disabilities

What classes should be reported for Fall 2?

Include all Course Section Enrollment (CRSE) records occurring on Census Day or for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, the course submission includes the course sections that begin no later than 30 calendar days after Census Day. This is required for all K-12 students. Do not include lunch, before/after school programs, or preschool course sections.

Courses that must be submitted

Optional courses that can be submitted

Courses that should NOT be submitted

Academic core and Non-core courses

Student Assistant

(where student receives grades or credits)

Lunch Period

Special Education

Home Room, Study Hall

(where student receives grades or credits)

Summer School

Home Hospital


Before/After School Program

Distance Learning


Free Period

Independent Study





Adult Education

Reporting 9999999999 SEIDs

SEID 9999999999 MUST ONLY be reported in the Course Section file. Do not submit a SDEM or SASS record with it.

May be used for:

  • College professors with no K-12 credentials
  • Courses identified as college courses in CALPADS will not generate an exception
  • Contracted employees (COE, other districts, ROC/Ps, outside agencies) This will generate an exception, LEAs must provide evidence that educator holds appropriate credential and authorizations in CalSAAS

May NOT be used for:

  • Charter school teachers
  • Non-credentialed charter teachers must minimally obtain a Certificate of Clearance which will issue them a SEID

Using SEID 9999999999s outside of the college course reporting will almost always generate an exception.

SEID 9999999999 may only be used for the following courses without getting flagged as a mis-assignment:

  • CTE Courses (State Course codes 7000 -8999)Courses with Field 9.19 - Course Instructional Level Code populated with:
  • Code 23 – College Credit Only, or
  • Code 24 – Dual Credit.

  • College Credit Course codes: 9020, 9082, 9096, 9120, 9154, 9200, 9227, 9273, 9303, and 9358.

Important Note:

Although CALPADS will continue to allow the use of SEID 9999999999s, wherever and whenever possible, and if information is available, LEAs should:

  • Use the teacher’s actual SEID
  • Submit a Staff Demographic Record for the teacher at the LEA in which they are providing instruction
  • Submit a Staff Assignment Record for the teacher at each school in which they are providing instruction

Who are the students you should report with a Student Course enrollment?

You would include all Student Course Enrollment (SCSE) records occurring on Census Day (10/05/2022) or for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, the student course enrollment submission includes the student course sections that begin no later than 30 calendar days after Census Day. Do not include lunch, free period, or preschool student course sections.

How to pick the correct course codes

Picking appropriate state course codes for each class should involve curriculum staff and should not be the job of the CALPADS data person. The CALPADS Help desk may go as far as point users to resources need to make the appropriate state course code selections. With that said, when picking a state course code:

  • Determine content of the course

  • Which standards were used to develop the course?

  • What are the grade level standards being taught?

  • DO NOT choose the course code based on the teacher’s credential or student grade levels

How to Report EL Services

There are four data elements that comprise the full English Services information of each English Learner.

EL Services components

What is the Postsecondary Status (PSTS) File?

The Postsecondary Status (PSTS) file will be used by LEAs to submit post-secondary status data for:

  • CTE Pathway Completers as required by Perkins V as part of Fall 2
  • Students with Disabilities (SWD) as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as part of End-of-Year 4

Since the PSTS file will be used for two purposes, not all of the fields on the PSTS file are required for the Fall 2 PSTS CTE submission.

You may review the PSTS page for more details.

See Flash #196

Assignment Monitoring Resources

The following resources provide additional information regarding assignment monitoring compliance requirements and procedures.

2022-23 Assignment Monitoring Training Video

This is a recording of the onsite Assignment Monitoring training that CDE provided for Fresno Count Office of Education.

Appropriate Credentials for CALPADS Course Codes

This site is intended to support credential analysts in determining which authorizations are required to teach in course assignments.

Appropriate Credentials for Special Education Categories

This page is intended to support credential analysts in determining which authorizations align with Special Education disability categories. Note, the table includes only currently issued documents.

Appropriate Credentials for English Learner Services

This page is intended to support credential analysts in determining which English Learner authorizations are required to provide the various types of English Learner Services.

Appropriate Credentials for Non Classroom Based Assignments

This page is intended to support credential analysts in determining which English Learner authorizations are required to provide the various types of English Learner Services.

2021 Assignment Monitoring Training Powerpoint

This is the CALPADS Fall-2 Assignment Monitoring PowerPoint presentation for winter 2021 training sessions.

Assignment Resources

Helpful resources related to assignment monitoring compliance.

CALSAAS Training

Provides detailed training on the CALSAAS process.

Recorded Webinars

California Department of Education (CDE) and Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) staff developed recorded webinars about changes in course codes and the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), California State Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS), and the Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers (PEAT) program.

PEAT Video Series

Video topics for the Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers (PEAT) Program by the California Department of Education.

Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers Resource

Resources to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) with gathering data and reporting disproportionate access to effective, experienced, and appropriately assigned teachers by low-income and minority students as required under the ESSA.


Fall 2 Training Resources

AY 2023-24 Poweproint Presentations

Fall 2 Reporting and Certification PowerPoint with Notes v1.1

This course provides an overview of Fall-2 and a review of the data submission. It provides an overview of the staff and course information reported in Fall-2. Additionally, the certification process and reports review is covered in detail. It also covers certification errors, how to use the CALPADS documentation for troubleshooting and error resolution, and common problems with Fall 2.

Fall 2 Data Population Live Training PowerPoint Presentation v1.1

The Fall 2 Data Population live session is meant to connect the dots between the different file types required for this submission. Each file type will not be discussed in detail. The expectation is that each attendee watch the self-paced video specific to each file type prior to attending the live session.

Fall 2 Advanced Reporting & Certification PowerPoint with Notes v1.1

This presentation provides details on changes related to Fall 2 Reporting and Certification. This is for staff who have experienced the Fall 2 certification process previously and would like a refresher.

Number 3 CALPADS Learning

CALPADS Learning contains required self-paced classes, course programs and access to register for live training classes.

Number 3 CSIS YouTube Channel

FCMAT/CSIS provides self-paced videos via YouTube that allow any user to view training presentations at their own pace. Please subscribe to get notifications for new training videos.

Number 3 CSIS Resource Repository

FCMAT/CSIS website stores presentations, job aids, templates, documents and other items.

CALPADS System Documents

The following documents provide additional information regarding the operation and data submission requirements in relation to Fall 2.

CALPADS File Specifications

This document provides detailed information about the input files that are used to batch load data into CALPADS.

CALPADS File SpecificationsForm

This spreadsheet provides detailed information about the input file requirements that are used to batch load data into CALPADS.

CALPADS Error List

This document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS. It also provide suggested resolutions.

CALPADS Data Guide

The CALPADS Data Guide provides information for LEAs regarding the data to be submitted to CALPADS. Information in the guide includes guidelines regarding how LEAs should prepare for each submission, as well as information regarding how given data are used.


This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements. CALPADS course codes (formerly CBEDS course codes) are included in this document (see the "Course Group State" code set).

Retired Course Code Mapping for 2019-20

This document contains a list of state course codes and non-classroom based assignment codes that were retired at the end of 2018-19 and their recommended replacements for the 2019-20 year.

CALPADS Valid Code Combinations

This document lists codes that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS.

Where to get Support

For curriculum course mapping questions in relation to Assignment Monitoring contact the Teacher and Leader Policy Office: TLPO@cde.ca.gov



  • FCMAT/CSIS Online Support Form Click Here
  • Email: support@fcmat.org
  • Voicemail for FCMAT/CSIS Support: (916) 325-9210
